Completely agree. I’ll never pay for entertainment, with the sole exception of videogames and the rare content creator I want to support. Everything else, I’ll do everything in my power to have offline and backuped so I never lose access.
Completely agree. I’ll never pay for entertainment, with the sole exception of videogames and the rare content creator I want to support. Everything else, I’ll do everything in my power to have offline and backuped so I never lose access.
+1 from me, this is a pretty nice feature
Fair enough. I’ve never been, don’t much like coffee, and I can’t say I ever plan to go there. They don’t sound like the most pleasant of places to relax in.
I don’t think I’ve ever checked, but I can get behind that. I’d rather not die because a company decided to cut corners.
Completely inexcusable. How people can get away with this kind of behaviour is beyond me.
Huh, I didn’t know about that. I only bought mine because they were the only ones the store offered, but I guess I’ll try to find another brand when it comes time to replace them. I’ve been meaning to get a new NAS sometime anyway, so that’s a good excuse as any to do so.
Good enough for me, I’ll avoid them in the future.
Relatable. I’m in a pretty Apple heavy area, so I’m in the minority in my dislike of anything Apple. At least they are easy to avoid, with how obvious they make their branding.
Reasonable. Personally, I never learned how to use a razor, so I just use an electric shaver. It doesn’t give as good a cut, but I’m happy to contribute to a boycott anyway.
Huh, haven’t heard that one before. What did they do?
I’ve never been to one, so continuing that isn’t much of a bother to me anyway
Completely agree on both points. I actually use a Samsung phone, and it’s been nothing but a privacy nightmare. I’m planning to switch as soon as I’ve saved up enough to afford it.
Yeah, Amazon is a mess. I personally avoid anything even tangentially related to them. I’ve noticed that they tend to be lower quality with worse privacy than the alternatives, and their only benefit is price. Even then, Audible is a ripoff on a massive scale.
Sorry, I wasn’t very clear with my reply. I haven’t actually found an app that does this kind of thing very well, just yet. My reply was more in the line of “I wish I had an app to do this, because searching the internet takes forever”.
Some brief searching came up nowhere when I went looking a few hours ago. I did find two apps on Google Play that seemed like they might work, but both had their own blend of issues, and neither was on f-droid, unfortunately. They were “No Thanks” and “Boycott X”, if you want to try them out.
Fair enough. They’re so big I need an app just to keep track of if something’s made by them or not.
A IP68 e-ink Linux phone with both wireless charging and induction charging (to charge other devices), no cameras at all, solar panel on the back, usb-4 and headphone jack, 1TB storage , 15’000 mAh battery, two separate WiFi cards (to allow simultaneous hotspot and client use), and finally a radio transiever for both short range comms and long range AM and FM radio.
Technically possible with current technology, but as far as I can tell, completely unavailable in the consumer market.
Price, size and weight are irrelevant for all usecasses of such a product, as far as I’m concerned.