New instance, who dis?
Great point. Can’t risk our oil interests!
Why is the US so soft on Israel killing US citizens, but so harsh on… anyone else that does it?
Try refried, the bean paste works much better.
Fording the river was always a good option.
Except in Oregon Trail.
“We don’t care that Ukraine invaded Russia BACK”
Let’s be super clear.
Pretty sure he doesn’t own a cat, based on how that monitor was set up.
TBF Russia would benefit pretty massively from global warming; a lot of their unusable land might become usable.
Willpower is definitely a thing. It’s defined as:
Hey there, subject aside, I think you need to review what you truly think is important in your life. Based on this post you seem to feel a lot of pressure to succeed, but what success really means is up to you, not anyone else. I found the book “Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” to be helpful on this subject; as for the title it’s not about not giving a fuck but choosing carefully what to give a fuck about. There’s some interesting stories on this exact subject in there, e.g. did you know that Dave Mustaine largely considers his majorly successful music career a failure because he was kicked out of a band before starting Megadeth? The band he was kicked out of was Metallica, so he compares himself to them and robs himself of any joy.
There also is more than one path to a goal. Even when you feel like you’ve “failed” it just means you have to find another way.
Personally, I’d find a compilation of such notes a bit morbid and quite sad. So much wasted potential because people felt that they couldn’t change, and we can all change if we want to. But it’s a genuinely interesting concept. Maybe others find them motivational the way you do!
Definitely agree. I know it’s supposed to be a joke “he’s such a great guy we hate him” but it’s physically hard to watch.
…the color of a blaster bolt (character-scale or starship scale) is determined by the quality of the gas used in it - higher quality gives you green, lower quality gives you red. The Rebellion didn’t have access to the highest quality gas, and had to make do with the lower quality ammunition.
Huh, I guess I wondered but never looked it up until now.
The more I think about “eggy wets” the less I want to know
“No mames”