Ugh, my mistake. Meant to reply to this comment. I was having internet troubles, so I had to try multiple times and musta clicked on the wrong comment at some point.
Ugh, my mistake. Meant to reply to this comment. I was having internet troubles, so I had to try multiple times and musta clicked on the wrong comment at some point.
On the second point… I remember when moss had to make one, because of exactly that issue.
He should have told you that, it really isn’t a new thing. It’s also not an Ada thing, it’s not her fault and it’s really not unreasonable to expect mods to… actually be able to read all reports.
I’d be willing to do some “grunt mod work” for 196. Actual decision-making and community-building would probably take too much time for me to be reliable on it, but just dealing with reports I could do.
FUCK I put a snack in the freezer like… 5 days ago? And completely forgot about it until now
This will happen again I can’t fetch it right now
If you haven’t already, try out KDE’s Krita. Incredible piece of software, much better for drawing imo
Ngl that link puts me slightly off. It reads exactly like what people booted for very good reasons say
The following paragraph shows how so-called cancel culture was used weaponising […]
And in the email, Mozilla talks about him violating their “inclusivity” policy… we also don’t know what was reported, only the reasons stated.
Not saying that it wasn’t unjust, just that we only have 1 perspective and it’s written in a way that raises some red flags.
Sounds like you want I’d also look around for places specifically for that (avoiding the “PM a random person”), and ask them what you posted here.
Be warned that depending on your identity and all that you might end up dysphoric (depending on your dose and genetics), but maybe not since you said you’re nb/agender, idk how it works for y’all. Be careful is all.
Nope, western Europe.
I’m left-handed and really good at it
Why the fuck are legal databases locked behind paywalls
I’m not an OS dev, I have no idea how stuff this low-level works.
Downvotes are disabled here actually, so that’s why it says 0 downvotes
I’d suggest some kind of “press this key to view debug information” text (or make it documented but not visible, to avoid people just pressing whatever button is written on the screen)
Last one is the only one I actually got (and MHA actually). It’s animal crossing. Edit: Oh! Second to last is Artemis Fowl
I relatively often have an inner dialogue, but it’s just me twice
I don’t mind it tho, it’s fine enough
It completely breaks them, currently:
This applies to at least NewPipe and yt-dlp, probably basically every such tool. Also, if you use logged-in cookies and download, they sometimes ban your account! Fun!
Messages from my friends are the one kind of message I don’t do this on, because I’m way too online and also doing anything mean to my friends makes me feel way too guilty (and I mostly fuel my motivation through guilt and fear of failure)