Ich habe das Gefühl, dass das diese Bedrohung für die Staatsorgane so abstrakt ist, dass sie sie überhaupt nicht erkennen.
Ich habe das Gefühl, dass das diese Bedrohung für die Staatsorgane so abstrakt ist, dass sie sie überhaupt nicht erkennen.
Was für ein Kek. Er kann doch unmöglich überrascht sein, dass seine Partei so schlecht abschneidet. Unglaublich!
In the past CDU/CSU never managed to combat far-right views, just like any other conservative party/movement never managed to catch and mitigate far-right positions.
Njoa, aber nach diesem Stand wenigstens FDP und die Putintante nicht im Bundestag…
Berlin is […] considering sanctions.
Oh wow, I’ll call my boss to tell him I’m considering coming to work today.
There’s got to be two kinds of ADHD. One where you need background noise, one where you hate it. I fit into the second category.
It’s kinda handy if you don’t want to take the time to write a boring email to your insurance or whatever.
I can’t find my stuff one way or the other, so whatever…
Ah, the crème-de-la-crème of democracy and human rights…
I kinda want this as a T-shirt.
And then I kinda don’t.
On top of this, tap water quality is way more regulated than bottled water is, in many places. (European POV)
uBlock origin
I just wanted the wobbly windows back in 2007.
I don’t know. I have a full time job and have to pay off a house for the next ~30 years. There’s no room to follow other professions.
I often envy people working in IT. It feels like the perfect field for ADHD people. For me it feels like it’s too late to change over. (I’m in my early 30s.) So I think it’s gonna be best to just try to be happy with my current job. After all, wanting something else than what you currently have is very ADHDish…
What area do you work in?
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Heck, Gimp still looks like it’s the early 2000s.