You need to drink your meds, grandpa.
You need to drink your meds, grandpa.
At least prove a point.
Oh, I think you’re doing just fine on that front. (And let’s not pretend like “proof” or “evidence” have any relevance when making claims that not only have no basis in reality, like “conservatives don’t talk about crypto”, but obviously seek to supplant it).
But again, you’d be much more effective if you dress up facts rather than fiction. You also need to build up to the absurd, not start with it. You can’t just convince people that reality is actually the opposite of what is perceived. You first need to shake up trust in consensus based reality and basic scientific knowledge, and only then start to gradually inteoduce the spectacle in a piecemeal fashion.
I mean, if you’re gonna engage in disinformation then at least read the wikipedia page on whatever topic you are targetting so you can come up with something that’s more believable. Disinfo is most effective when it is based on some true information taken out of context.
Holding those in power accountable is a continuous process. It doesn’t just happen on a specific day or another. Politically active and concious people protest and raise awareness in an ongoing manner regardless of who is in power. The world didn’t end on 5 Nov 2024 or 20 Jan 2025 - fighting for democracy will never stop.
You would know this if you actually put your money where your mouth is, as it were.
There are plenty of ways for governments to engage in strategic communications without having to rely on social media, especially when said platforms are disentangling the fabric of society before our very eyes. Moreover, government communication (and 99% of other communication processes) does not require the constant and immediate production and consumption of information that social media are purposefully designed for. Pretending like people are addicted to social media because we really want to stay in touch with policy is just silly.
And no, one thing is not equivalent to another thing just because they belong in the same category of things. Editorial and privacy policies, ownership structures, the extent to which a company or its owners are politically exposed - these are all things that can differ drastically from one actor to another.
How about just quiting without replacing it with something else? Everyone desperately needs to stop using social media like a crack addict needs to stop doing crack. Shitter, FB, IG, TokTik, etc - it’s all utter, utter shit.
Speak for yourself. A majority of Eastern Europeans see the US as a key strategic ally, and for good reason.
Either a victim of disinformation or a victim of disinformation who gets some sort of material benefit for spewing more propaganda and dogma. Either way, they should be reported for their own good and that of everyone else using the platform. We need to safeguard information integrity and prevent the victims from instigating a global conflict, potentially a nuclear one. Because that is what it ultimately comes down to. Ironically, this also means saving many russians from their regime and themselves.
The fact that people like you can rationalize the Kremlin’s far-right, proto-fascist ideology as some sort of anti-Nazi movement is just more proof that the biggest threat to humanity is ingorance combined with a near-infinite potential for self-serving delusions. We desperately need to reform our formal education systems and limit the impact of authoritarian propaganda as much as possible, and from there the number of victims, like Dragon.
So was Hitler. Thing is, natural law and positive law can diverge significantly, meaning ctitizens will sometimes have to organize against the products of positive law to preserve their decency and freedom.