“in teilen rechtsextrem”
Ja ne ist klar. Danke, das langt. Mehr von dem Kommentar brauch ich nicht lesen um zu wissen dass der Kommentierende Lack säuft.
“in teilen rechtsextrem”
Ja ne ist klar. Danke, das langt. Mehr von dem Kommentar brauch ich nicht lesen um zu wissen dass der Kommentierende Lack säuft.
absolute Frankenstein-Lösung, aber funzt würd ich behaupten:
Lad die Artevideos mit YouTube-DLP herunter, lasse sie von einem Skript in deinem Jellyfin-Server hinzufügen, lasse einen Medianscan automatisch triggern, sobald das Skript mit dem Kopierprozess beendet ist und anschließend kannst du in einem Jellyfin-Media-Server gemeinsam mit jemanden das eben geladene über das zusammen-ansehen feature schauen.
Get what you are trying to say but both are still encrypted. They simply aren’t end to end encrypted. So the messages are private. Until obviously the company servers get hacked or police raided and the keys to the encryption get stolen. You are protected against this in E2E encryption. True.
Ii guess telegram once was the alternative to whatsapp, then made maany more featutes abailable in fast time paces which led to another bunch of migrators.
Now noone wants to move away because why? For the usual end user there is no negative to them.
I am fully on your side and am using signal and matrix and try to migrate as many people as possible but its hard.
(First one is better.) To get .nzb files. Then use a Usenet Access Provider. Those save all files shared via usenet over a predefined time period. – though some archive different usenet publications than others. Simply differs by what servers they connect to afaik.
Not entirely sure on the architectural work here but thats the best you’ll get from me in a minuite.
Search for diffetent providers. Check the link for them. Maybe the available payment methods might be worth a look.
Eweka supports paypal i think, but not sure on this one.
For automation you will need an api access to the sites from the bulletpoints above – the free access gives very limited access via api. Which is why automation tools fail on a free account to automatically download new episodes .nzb files from them.
Usenet for german stuff. Forget about torrents when searching in german.
You go DDL or Usenet. DDL is goof in terms of stuff available but bad in terms of automation.
Usenet is good in both.
Use this to get yourself familiar:
Oh noch dazu als zusatz: es ist natürlich immer ratsam, zu virtualisieren. Aber in dem anwendungsfall nehm ich jetz mal an, dass du ansonsten eh keinen zweiten server hast, dann kannst du dir die virtualisierung auch schenken und den kleinen performanceverlust sparen.
Keep in mind though, wenn du irgendwann wegmigrieren willst - auf nen stärkeren server Beispielweise - isses deuutlich einfacher eine VM auf nen anderen Hypervisor zu Migrieren als wenn du das ganze auf bare metal betreibst.
Normales Office auf 10 Sessions dürfte auch relativ alte Serverhardware genügen.
Die meisten haben ja sowieso zwei CPUs.
Bräuchtest vielleicht bissl RAM weil so manche Excel User vllt den RAM aufblähen.
Ansonsten dürfte Gigabit genügen. Du hast bei RDP Compression aktiv, die zudem bei größtenteils statischen Contents recht gut funzt.
Schau mal hier und scroll zu den GIFs runter:
USV kannste dir eigentlich schenken. MS Office Anwendungen sind sowieso immer gut dabei Hintergrundsicherungen zu machen. Wenn tatsächlich mal Stromausfall ist, wird eh jeder thinclient strom verlieren und du hast keine chance jeden user dazu bringen ohne strom seine dokumente zu speichern.
Wenn der wegen stromausfall wegkrätscht, isses worscht, weil eh alles offline ist. Sobald der online geht, läuft alles auch wieder. Wenn der aber nemmer hochkommt, spielste innerhalb ner stunde einfach ein backup ein. Weil du ja siiicherlich eins hast, richtiiiig?
Die Stunde DT können die User sicherlich verkraften.
Zudem sind die batterien der winzigen USVs die du da für die paar hundert Watt kaufen solltest/kannst, nach paar jahren so im eimer, dass die beim stromausfall eh nix mehr retten und auch gleich mit umgehen. Kenne einige leuds, deren USVs die Selbstchecks überleben aber trotzdem beim stromausfall absolut nichts retten und instant aus gehen.
Found in here on the linked pages down in the list. https://wiki.dbzer0.com/piracy/megathread/
Didnt take that much time to search. Maybe the megathread itself also has some additional pages about the usenet.
Feel ya.
Always have to contain my laughter when sitting on the company shitter and people entering the stall next to me, just to unleash hell into the innocent opening beneith them.
Don’t know why but the earth shattering sound of the musical orchestra some people give out for free on the shitter is amazingly amusing to me. :3
For cool features: xWiki
For conveniance in setting up: if you got a synology, use the synology notes app.
You are welcome!
Yepp multiple users is a whole different but also great area.
Using the work apps feature thingy you wont have to switch profiles and push messages are more readily available (not as much delayed as if you chose to use a guest profile).
Well then, lemme give you something more specific to look into:
Most Android Phones kinda hide the option to turn the Work-Profile on. But it is implemented at the core of android and should really be available on any android device thats from the last 5 years.
Once you turn it on once you will be always able to see it. And you will also get one of those buttons available in your notification center. Just like those, that turn on and off your Wifi - this one will turn on your work profile. Or off - if Off, alllll the apps installed in the work profile will be disabled completely until you enable the work profile again.
Very handy for splitting private and work stuff - since you can just turn off work profile when you walk out of the office and wont be bothered anymore.
Lets get to the turnings thing on part:
You simply need one app to activate the work profile.
“Shelter” –> this app is not on the google playstore.
This app is in the F-Droid Store. Since this is also a new thing lemme explain this real quick. F-Droid is an store just like Google Play Store. You can download and install apps from there. It comes as an app for your device, or you can just simply browse it in the webbrowser and download the apps you want from it from there. The F-Droid Store is well known in the Opem Source Community and is the Go-To Place if you want privacy respecting apps. - I am saying this to make sure you can trust this new and to you unknown store.
Soooo. Back to the topic. Download either the complete F-Droid Store and in this app then search for the “Shelter” app - or simply download the shelter app once from the Website of F-Droid directly. Keep in mind if you go with the downloading F-Droid route: on its first launch, F-Droid will take ~30 secs to update its repositories and you wont find any apps in the search menu. So let it stay put for a few secs before starting your search.
To make it as less of a hassle as possible ill go forward and describe the route where we will install the app directly from the website.
I hope this helps ya!
I can see the kitty on the car - posted from eternity1
Tbh. Its highly unlikely that you will face anything that disrupts business and can prove it being from this machine.
Even if you get hit by a trojan that encrypts everything: if you have AV on clients and servers and update their databases regularely, noone could or would blame a dude thats 3 months in the job for it. I mean you have no prior experience. Thats also why i would not try to escelate it further. You will get fucked by management if you fall in the back of a higher ranking position. They dont appreciate people calling stuff like this out. Especially in small family owned businesses. Trust me. I’ve been there.
You will most likely find even more hazards in the future. If it gets worse, make a list. If you can, put in the CVE Codes and their explanation about the issue and the potential risks.
Put it in a monthly report-email regarding IT Topics. Also put different stuff in there, so you dont only appear to be whining about the system that they obviously have been taking care of in a lackluster way. This way you show that you are doing your job for the case that there might actually be a hazard and if they ask, you can simply point to your monthly report and say you did your best and did not get enough ressources/coworkers/ or the so very much needed new Firewall Appliance.
In terms of futur vision: write up your daily systems you work with. I’ll make some examples for your Resume:
And so on.
Also make a second list with projects, what your role in them was (most likely project lead), and what situation you had and the target. Also in which timeframe you are working on it (March/2024 - Today)
Don’t tell anybody that you are keeping your eyes out for a new job. Wait till you have landed a new job with administration work (dont do First-Layer Support Jobs. They get you stuck on your career ladder)
Also have a look at job portals like Kununu and check Ratings of companies. Since you are already in a kind of dispute with your boss I would suggest to not leave a review of your current workplace, whilst you still work there. Attention would be immediately brought to your end.
Also: if you are bad at creating a resume. Use an online builder. Job portals offer them. Be advised though, recruiters will already call the number that you type in there even before you are done typing your resume. rxResume is and FOSS Resume Builder. Can be selfhost or simply used by the Publicly hosted variant.
Mini korrektur: da es dich ja hier um Lernmaterial handelt, möchte ich dich kurz korrigieren.
Das erste “zur” ist zu viel. Korrekt wäre also: