Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • For additional record. 100% of the moderation on this post was done by a singular mod. Most of it was “uncivil” (and I agree with those)… But a few dissenting opinions that were not uncivil nor provably “misinformation” were classified as such. I don’t necessarily even agree with your post, but I see nothing “misinformation” about it. I see legit concern over the system and an opinion based on observation of facts. Though I wouldn’t come to the same conclusion you did… it’s clear a certain mod is mad about it.

    Mod is clearly drinking the Dem Kool-aid and is salty that you disagree with it. As clearly made obvious by the difference in responses on this thread… Top comment in the thread doesn’t get taken down… it targets and others “independents”, but your response and the other low effort meme that points out that on this specific issue dems and gop are functionally the same (in your opinions) is immediately smote.

    It’s funny because I often disagree with a Dem stance… and immediately get labeled a Republican or even fascist… Which immediately shuts down 100% of any possible reasonable conversation that you could have. Same with these mods who just censor anything that remotely goes against what they believe in.

  • Right… That’s the point. They (the Holy See, and thus Vatican City)… Being squarely set in restrictions… is complaining when a country with MUCH LESS restrictions on citizenship acts…

    If the Vatican Cities rules were applied to the USA today. It would be a literal shit show, and significantly worse.

    That’s my point. He has no room to talk. He’s blowing hot air up everyone’s asses to make himself look better when he is significantly worse. The “old world” is de facto more restrictive, and Vatican City is significantly worse than that.

  • The appliance is working as designed.

    Let me posit it a different way. Do you know how to design a car? or a fridge? or ANY of the appliances we’ve dragged into this at this point? Did you make the device? Do you think that you could have or would have designed something differently if you were in charge?

    So if a designer/engineer makes a product that RELIES on something… Do you really have much say in the matter? Considering that like 99% of fridges rely on power coming from a grid… Safe to say you really have no options here?

    So when the one thing it relies on goes out… Who’s fault is it? Nothing stopped that designer from putting a few SLA batteries into the thing and continuing on for hours during a grid outage… It’s both the appliance designer for not having the foresight, and the grid maintainers fault for the outright failure. Both together could have made something foolproof, but didn’t.

    I can’t believe I just had to say that.

    I can’t believe that you think you’re point of view is the only one that matters out there. What a ugly statement to make as if you were just explaining something to a child. Get over yourself. The world isn’t black and white. Lots of things are gray out there, like it or not, infrastructure is a core part of decisions people make, including what vehicles people will buy.

  • Would you blame your refrigerator for no longer being able to keep your food cool in a power outage as readily as you would your EV for not charging, or would you blame the grid’s inability to deliver reliable power to your home?

    Both the fridge and the grid… You know how/why? I choose the model of fridge that keeps seal well, that is efficient (takes less energy overall), etc… There are decisions made when buying the fridge that rely on whatever cost I evaluate at the time.

    This is my point… It’s ALWAYS both. They go together. The fridge is useless without power… The power is useless without shit to run. They are intertwined. If the power magically swapped to 240v rather than 120v, I’d be pissed at both the grid and my devices. If you buy an electric car and have nowhere to reliably plug it in, you’re going to be mad at the car (and hopefully yourself for being stupid and listening to the car salesman).

    In this SPECIFIC case, I have solar and backup battery. So I’m even more in tune with actual things like how much power my fridge draws.

  • The point is exactly that… “this is the world we live in”… And as that world evolves, or as technologies and consumer desires changes, what people will complain about will change as well.

    If there were no gas stations around… I would blame ICE cars for needing gas and thus would choose something else that fits my needs better. The point is that infrastructure exists and is part of the package of buying the vehicle. It’s fair game for discussion, and thus blame.

  • You wouldn’t blame a lack of convenient gas stations nearby as an issue with an ICE car, would you?

    We do it with hydrogen cars… I don’t see the difference here.

    The difference is that ICE cars are the gold(bronze? It’s not a high bar… just the one we’re used to) standard to currently beat. When Electric is just as convenient or better than ICE, I’m willing to bet that people will start to argue the other way. We already see it with people who can get away with Electric at home. It’s all they can go on about with how convenient that is… So much so that they seem to forget that it’s only convenient for them because they’re lucky enough to meet the requirements to make it convenient.

  • I’ve actually just ran along another article (I was looking for the original study that I had read, and failed to find)…

    Apparently UV lines works on windows too to dissuade bird strikes.

    Other studies have also found that using ultraviolet (UV) signals or markings on windows can be effective in preventing bird-window collisions as long as they reflect a minimum of 20-40% from the 300-400 nm range (Klem and Saenger, 2013).

    Would probably be a good piece of legislation… Since humans can’t really even see in most of that range… Mandate that window glass manufactures pinstripe glass with UV tint in the 300-380 nm wavelength (which is above “violet”). Something like .4 mm every 2 inches or something like that… I dunno. Whatever science says is “good enough” (Damn I wish I could find the stupid study I had read).

    If it’s done at the source, then developers can’t really complain all that much since ALL glass will come with it. Though cost would likely have to go up a little bit due to the added manufacturing complexity.

    Actually could have other interesting effects for night vision applications… thinking things like planes would be able to see buildings with an IR camera. Black light decoration built in for Halloween… could be interesting.