I try and use less words to get a point across, but in no way do I blunt or soften the point I am trying to make.
I try and use less words to get a point across, but in no way do I blunt or soften the point I am trying to make.
Cause fuck him, that’s why.
I have a signed print of it (it was sent to me by accident, but I still love it)
I actually think the post title and text were edited AFTER I responded which made me look like an idiot, but whatever.
Man I’m just getting killed for misreading stuff lately.
I don’t know but that’s a ground symbol like you would see on an electronics schematic.
I try to avoid it. I only buy there what I can’t find locally, or elsewhere on the internet, or anywhere at the price. At this point, I probably purchase less than an item a month from Amazon, and I’m still trying to cut that down.
I literally just had this argument with a friend. I made the same points as you. It was tongue and cheek. While not an OK think to say, it’s comedians making jokes. Cancelling a tour and deportation seems like a gross overreaction to me.
Came here to say this. Thank you for beating me to it.
Up up down down A B A B Start
I’m old.