I wonder if this is why Trumps handlers are desperately stopping him from blaming Biden.
It would get the word out that even if it was Biden, it would be perfectly legal.
I wonder if this is why Trumps handlers are desperately stopping him from blaming Biden.
It would get the word out that even if it was Biden, it would be perfectly legal.
They’re talking about how to win an election.
You know, the thing Blues have been so desperately shouting on all platforms? The “VOOOOTTTTTTT” that incessantly appears here?
I’m not sure why I’m surprised liberals are just rolling over and waiting to die instead of doing literally anything to increase their chance of winning.
Sounds like 2025 isn’t such an existential threat after all to the DNC.
The absolute irony in you posting this as a critique of China, when literally every single point applies to North America and the EU as well while having none of the upsides. (At least, no upsides for Americans. The EU is doing a better job.)
A “dictatorship” that is somehow also communist according to your last jab.
Like, do y’all seriously not see how much you’re embarrassing yourselves? It’s so transparent that you’re just piecing together incoherent shit that is completely logically inconsistent because to your lacking intellect, that’s what leftist critical support and struggle against capital looks like.
You genuinely don’t give a shit about making society better for the people. Why are you pretending? Y’all get more pathetic by the day, I swear.
Are you able enough to safely operate a forklift? Warehouses in my general-labor overloaded area still pay $10 more than state minimum wage, offer plenty of overtime, and are literally always hiring.
It’s hot, dusty, physical, and usually far from downtown, but typically it’s a decent wage and can hold you down while you look for easier work. Plenty of opportunities to transition to an administrative position, too.
Try see if charitable orgs or colleges near you offer resume and interview assistance. Job hunting is shit, I’ve done it too, there are fake jobs everywhere, but seriously pinch your nose and play the game of capital during interviews. Act like a good little corporate drone, get promotions, use that leverage to lead good teams and help more people.
Hopefully any of that is at least a little helpful. If you’re in a rural area, you may have to consider driving 2hr+ a day to where the work is. It’s hell, this is capitalist hell, but you need to play the game to survive first.
Interestingly you just regurgitated right wing propaganda without knowing it. Black and Central/East Asians, while certainly not common, casually roamed around Medieval Western Europe on pilgrimages or business and rarely ran into race issues.
It would not be ahistorical at all to run into some Korean pilgrims or African traders.
Medieval European peoples generally cared more about class and wealth than race. Rather ironically, it’s a modern fascist invention. Were you a Hawaiian prince or a peasant from Normandy? King or serf? Race had nothing to do with it for most people.
Can you even imagine the shitstorm if F-22s started dropping lmfao
It would be pretty funny if this is how the newest bird flu pandemic starts
The Americans caused 6 million excess deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan and nobody batted an eye except the leftists that time too.
And yet you see all the liberals today acting like they weren’t cheering for genocide for the last 20 years and Iraq was totally a mistake they totally didn’t vote for.
Genocide is a feature of capitalist democracy, not a failure.
Find someone whose unit worked with the 101st airborne in Iraq and they’ll have more war crime stories than you have time for.
It’s yet another example of how liberal hypocrisy has led to the ongoing collapse of society.
The core thought process requires one to agree that all conservatives should die as well, if all pedophiles should be killed.
They’ll condemn pedos in the same breath as lamenting Turing and have absolutely zero cognitive dissonance.
And yet you won’t find a single liberal willing to stand up for their beliefs.
Even here you see their liberal purity tests, having to declare your attraction to adults or your vote for Biden or whatever next purity test there is. No I don’t fucking like children, the fact that a liberal is going to turn up here to accuse me of it is further proof of the thesis.
Lmao @ the Americans getting all uncomfortable trying to weasel out of this
Yeah bullshit it’s “not mandatory,” how can you have such a basic denial of reality?
Totally optional, that’s why every time some kid understands and abstains, the teachers and other students bully them mercilessly, give them detention, suspension, expulsion, and it makes national news whenever someone actually tries.
I bet joining the NSDAP was fucking optional too, don’t try to deny your christofascism that everyone just accepts because somehow it’s better when America does it
Post salary or gtfo
Chinese plants will make whatever the hell you need them to at your desired quality, as long as you meet the market price.
There’s an incredible irony in Americans associating them with poor quality because the American capitalists ordering the goods decided to cheap out and cut corners lmao.
Considering the US literally couped Australia when their prime minister refused to give unconditional support for a spy base, this is small fry!
p.s. that military base in Australia now exists, the US has full autonomous control of it, stations soldiers there, and the antennae currently guiding the Israeli missiles leveling Gaza
It’s a bit psychopathic but if you know you need electrolytes, can’t really beat a little salt in some water. Like just a pinch.
Best part is it’s nearly free!
The cruelest part of late stage capitalism is that these immigrants would probably have enjoyed a better life back home.
Sure many are refugees escaping violence or truly desperate conditions.
But many are also normal-ass people that were sold the lie of the Western/American dream. People that struggle to learn English in adulthood (much harder than as a child), have no specialized degree or skill, and no family in the states.
People that could have joined the normal working class at home with less debt, less stress, and less discrimination and led mostly normal lives in their own culture.
Sure the Western consumer has nice electronics and Nike shoes, etc. But everyone seems to be in denial about the impending collapse of the entire economy and how dire the lives of the workers are right now.
It’s going to be a rough century and it’s only getting started.
Mate I’m genuinely not trying to be an ass with this but does your plan specifically include mobile hotspot usage?
T-Mobile has dozens and dozens of different plans from the last decade alone, it’s quite possible your plan has zero hotspot data. Especially as you mention it’s an older grandfathered plan.
The funniest part is Cubans have better medical care than the American working class, including completely novel vaccines that have existed for decades that America doesn’t let its citizens have lmao
He’s probably actually gonna win off this event
That’s fucking depressing lmao