UseNet over SSL?
The Internet is bad.
UseNet over SSL?
The Holy Trinity: VIM, Arch, and Rust
Hey, at least all of us peeps in the US can upgrade our >$100 capped plans to unlimited for the low-low price of $30-50/month (i.e. what some of our friends overseas pay for their whole-ass unlimited crazyfast internet plan).
Your -arrs see the torrent download folder as /mnt/arr-stack/torrents/completed, and qBittorrent sees it as /downloads.
Maybe this is only a problem with Transmission, but I’ve had trouble making my Arr stack play nice with torrents when the different apps think downloads live in different folders.
Your ISP with a 1.2TB data cap: “lol.”
Strongly recommend a KDE-based distro if coming from Windows.
Gnome is too janky when you’re used to the workflow in Windows. It’s almost like Windows 8, which nobody uses if they can help it.
KDE is just way more familiar.
In a sense. They’re also fancy-pants enterprise drives rated to be able to last over a million hours.
Drive failures follow the old “bathtub curve”. You get the lemons that fail when they’re brand new – that’s one side of the curve. Then for several years, they fail at a consistently low rate. Then once they start getting really old, the failure rate goes up – giving you the other side of the curve.
True, these are probably closer to the “old age” side of the bathtub curve. But GHD is pretty good about honoring their warranty. Back stuff up and you should be fine.
Just bought a bunch of $75 12TB disks from GoHardDrive’s eBay storefront.
Still running through the diagnostics, but nothing has jumped out yet, 48hrs in. Sure, they’re 4 years old and have over a petabyte of lifetime writes. They also have 5 year warranties.
I’ve always used Transmission, since there’s a Docker container I use that bakes in your VPN-of-choice & a killswitch.
That said, it looks like it hasn’t been updated in over a year… I wonder if there’s anything else out there that does the same thing as this. (EDIT: Yes. Google brings up plenty of choices.)