This is what we all wanted, right?
This is what we all wanted, right?
Oh yes. Time for the pain his voters have been itching for.
Right? Before the election I had a political conversation with a coworker who leans more conservative and she was excited about Trump “making peace with Putin”. It was a serious wtf moment for me. “Peace” with Putin means pulling funding for Ukraine and letting Russia roll over it.
Cum again?
Must blend all humans
Except for obvious typos
Maybe just don’t post if you don’t have anything useful to add.
Ya as a parent that would be your choice to make, but there really shouldn’t be anything wrong with nudity at any age.
Toddlers don’t sexualize everything like adults do, so there is nothing to explain, really.
The article states that the virus is very resistant to many environmental changes and can “survive” for a long time on clothes, boots, and even some pork products. This is probably one of many issues involved during an outbreak.
It’s iOS dog. It’s stock.
Disable JavaScript? That definitely will not help.
There is. I’m not using any ad blocking.
Paywall. Avoid.
I live in a pretty liberal city (thank god). After the election the one neighbor who supported Trump proudly flew his Trump flag. Within the last few days the flag has been removed. I can’t tell if I’m happy he took it down or just real fucking pissed off. I’d like to think my neighbor has finally gotten it through his thick skull but I really think he should be forced to fly that flag so people know what a cunt he is.