I mean it could be useful in dorms and shared room situations.
Very interesting story and one of the bigger media highlights of 19th century America. Part of the so called Kentucky cave wars. Wikipedia
This story of the nutty putty cave really killed every tiny bit of interest exploring caves. Have you heard about the Floyd Collins incident?
And are termites the “enders”?
I saw people posting pics of their dog with its nipples censored
I still use underscores for filenames, basically muscle memory at this point
Will this apply to CS6 users as well?
Are those curly fries, onion rings or fried squid rings?
I am quite curious if Japan will take back their Kuril Islands in case of war. Russia already pulled their equipment from the islands. I was surprised to find out that Japan and Russia (or better the USSR) never really signed a peace treaty after WWII. So it seems technically they are still at war