I believe you mean Bernard Montgomery Sanders who we all know was the second shooter.
I believe you mean Bernard Montgomery Sanders who we all know was the second shooter.
The Beaverton had as a headline a few weeks back along the lines of “Americans choose the most expensive way to figure out what they purchase from Canada” which I thought was appropriate.
That would be difficult for almost anyone to attempt. The USA is too large of a trading partner with too many nations.
No, you don’t get it. These Palestinian kids are brainwashed from birth to hate Israel and the Jewish peoples. They have school books that teach them to hate Israelis and Israel.
/s but sadly not because the above is something I literally heard around me for years. I believed it until I met someone from Palestine who explained yes those books do exist and they are called history books.
Edit: I was wrong HW was at the CIA the year after the Church Committee.
Sadly Im not sure the US wont flout or lift sanctions giving them a new source of money.
Because people are beginning to shut down or ask what someone else will do about this.
Im afraid this is happening in America
I have to imagine Nazism isnt popular in France even in fascist circles.
Yes they did win it but not in competition as a woman.
I can obly think of one transwoman with gold medals and that’s Caitlyn Jenner
Venus is her sister
Ten female athletes is easy. 10 currently active professional athletes would be much harder
I am confronting the fact that I have lost the ability to just be bored. I need to get that back.
Ozzy Osbourne called it the hardest drug to quit and that man has done many drugs
It is Robert Evans of Behind The Bastards has been making this joke for 6-7 years now