So in order to protect Ukrainian land, he wants… the minerals from the land… Sounds like surrendering to the USA instead of surrendering to Russia.
So in order to protect Ukrainian land, he wants… the minerals from the land… Sounds like surrendering to the USA instead of surrendering to Russia.
You never really know, it’s plausible. But I doubt it. It doesn’t seem any more likely now than it did in 2016.
Ceasefire in Gaza for a minimum of 6 weeks (if I understood the news correctly) is huge. That conflict might be close to over if we’re lucky.
Wilhelm scream. It’s in everything. It’s memorable in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but it’s in Soul Plane too.
I’ve watched far too many hours of sitcoms, because I’m recognizing a specific laugh that gets re-used over and over. It’s by far the worst on How I Met Your Mother (where I first noticed it). They’ll repeat the same laugh 2-3 times within the same episode. It’s a specific high-pitched laugh that almost sounds like the person is inhaling while laughing rather than exhaling. HIMYM doesn’t use a live audience so they re-use the same laughs for the entire run of the show.
This photograph appears to be a helicopter dropping fire retardant on a fire.
Ian McKellen died filming this scene. That’s why he’s not in the rest of the movie. But they’d already filmed him in the next 2 movies, so they CGI’d his clothes white and said he came back to life.
As a depressed 16 year old boy I received a self help book from my mother. I was offended. Never opened the book. Like in hindsight I guess she thought I needed help and the book would somehow do that, but all I saw was that my mother thought something was wrong with me.
I’d love single payer healthcare, but it would cost like 1000x more than this.
It’s not though. They worded it confusingly on purpose. The two that are still stuck are named Williams and Wilmore. The 4 mentioned in this article have different names.
Korean Forest Whitaker.
And that’s just the people who got injured.
Lack of successful alternatives? It’s easy to find flaws with capitalism but every other system has its share of problems too.
Prior to Trump it was mostly fringe candidates like Storm Thurmund (1948), George Wallace (1968), David Duke (1988, 1992), Pat Buchanan (1992, 1996).
In terms of major candidates, there are some questionable endorsements for candidates like Nixon and Reagan. But you have to go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson to find a president who was openly happy about receiving those endorsements.
Reminds me of Futurama, “we all have commercials in our dreams” scene.
Leela: Didn’t you have ad’s in the 20th century?
Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio. And in magazines. And movies. And at ball games and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No siree!
Those work with the Sabre Pyramid.
This one is frustrating. At the start of the war the Republicans were in favor of this. Lindsey Graham called it “the best money we’ve ever spent” in 2023. Trump alone shifted this whole issue.