TIL thanks.
TIL thanks.
What’s the difference?
Oh no!
I feel like you took my comment to be a critique of the EU’s position, which is not what I was trying to say at all.
I presume that such an agreement would be in the EUs interest - hence the expression of such. Public clarification at this stage of the ‘cost’- as you put it - is a great way to take it off the official policy booklet. Which doesn’t make sense to me.
I am aware that UK politics is stupid. I live here.
If the move would be of interest to the EU, then unless they are completely politically inept, can these officials not see how saying it would require ECJ oversight before an election risks it being eliminated from Labour policy?
It gives a free attack point for the Tories and couldn’t be a bigger face palm - for anyone actually interested in it, of course.
Streisand effect in action. I am never going to buy anything Nintendo, because they’re a dog-shit company. I hadn’t realised a Switch emulator existed. Andddd… My wife would really like to play Pikmin 4.
Mmmmmmm, brown noise <3