Pretty bad when one side’s perspective makes them look awful and the other side is the one accusing them of being awful 😬
Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.
Pretty bad when one side’s perspective makes them look awful and the other side is the one accusing them of being awful 😬
Hm, all’ the code is GPL’d so I suppose Korkki is right, it wouldn’t do anything past the upset in leadership. He can’t unilaterally revoke any code, for instance. I think he can revoke Tux (the mascot) and maybe even the name? The latter could get irksome and the former’s already the case (see: Steam having to switch to a logo they made instead of Tux for games that support Linux).
deleted by creator
Holy fuck, “we” are seriously even considering letting a company hunt somecritter down over game cheats?
Imean, I knew this was a cyberpunk dystopia without the cool parts but… c’mon, really?
raises trans, linux-using paw ^.^
Thanks for bringing this to my attention :3
Very agree here. Less and less is actually GNU, so by what metric do we have to include things? “GNU is an OS?” I’m running two at once? No, it’s three, some of this software comes from BSD. Or is it more? Maybe I’ve got tools developed on/from/for other OSes still! Hell, I’ve got Windows software on this system. Gotta tell everybody I’m running GNU and Linux and BSD and Windows and (…) 🤦
This naming “debate” is absurd.
Edit: I meant to say, it’s really getting too late to push the naming issue as a means of making people recognize how much of “Linux” is GNU, considering the connections are decreasing. Even the kernel builds with clang these days, GNU tools and libs get replaced… I don’t know that I’m happy about this, but it seems plausible (at a casual glance from a non-expert observer) that GNU’s practically on its way out. On the other paw, I’ll be glad to never hear about this naming “issue” again if everything GNU gets buried.
[Goofy reference to goofy thing https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.en.html ] Something tells me that cal is the standard text-based calendar 😅
not many people in the world who understand this code.
Kinda sounds like maybe he writes some freaky garbo C that nobody can figure out 😅
Sounds super cool :o … Am still kinda salty about M$ blocking my account and holding my copy of Minecraft (that I paid Mojang for, well before it was Microsoft’s!) hostage because they want my phone number, though. 😠
… Also I kinda wanna know if it’s got the moddage I love about Minecraft, but am afraid to ask because I’m stuck on a laptop that can’t really run much without getting all melty 😅
Woah, I remember that thing :o Didn’t think anyone else would.
… Oh shit, that’s still a thing :O Whew.
I think licensing may have something to do with it. A proprietary licence will typically prohibit decompilation so if you do it, you’re in violation of the licence. Whether that’s enforceable… Idunno. Often just writing a rule down will make people averse to testing it. Software under a non-proprietary licence probably comes with the source code to begin with, so there’s no need. This leaves a relatively small useful area for this technique, where people either don’t mind being in potential legal trouble (or just losing their licence to use a particular piece of software) or are interested in a specific few pieces of software that don’t offer source but allow sortof digging it out of the binary directly.
having the time and inclination to install Arch correlates with being in a bad place in your life right now.
True for me. I’m using Arch because I don’t have a system that can run Gentoo ;P
Actually I’ve oscillated between the two for many years. Every few years I switch to the other one and enjoy it for a few. … Only, now I’m stuck on a laptop that would melt if I tried to put Gentoo on it v.v I hope some day I will have a real computer again v.v Among other things 😅 😞
So… is a coffee stain a copyright infringement? Kinda seems like it would be, by this logic. Hell, if they keep at it for long enough we’ll see them going after somebody over a bookmark or a cracked screen. Just more asinine “IP” bullshit.
Thankies :3 It’s definitely cute ;P
I mostly subscribe to less fun-hating sorts of places so I didn’t think anything of cuting a lil tiny bit 🤷 I guess we’ve gotta all be sooooper cereal around here or people get upset for reasons 😅 🥣 I’ll just assume it’s because all of those people are techbros who’ve been bitten by mice and can’t even bring themselves to talk about it.
Off-topic: SQUEEKboard?!?? I need an excuse to use this 🙀
(Lil bit of backstory: I squeek sometimes. It’s a mouse thing 🐭 ^.^ )
Forced reading used to be a thing when I was in school 🤔 I assume now it’s just movies all day with the occasional book burning as a treat. Maybe throw some Kindles full of leaded solder or something onto the fire, get some nice toxins in the air for the kids to breathe. Great, now I’m grumpy and depressed. 😞
Never gonna accept that I2P and Freenet and Tor-as-darknet (and whatever else) get so little attention. We managed to get Lemmy to be a thing but most of us just kinda hope clearnet sites on corporate systems and networks stay up instead of going for alternative networks that may be harder to control? Bleh.
[Sarcastic ‘translation’] tl;dr: A lot of people who are relatively well-placed to understand how much technology is involved even in downvoting this post are downvoting this post because they’re afraid of technology!
Just more fad-worshipping foolishness, drooling over a buzzword and upset that others call it what it is. I want it to be over but I’m sure whatever comes next will be just as infuriating. Oh no, now our cursors all have to change according to built-in (to the cursor, somehow, for some reason) software that tracks our sleep patterns! All of our cursors will be obsolete (?!??) unless they can scalably synergize with the business logic core to our something or other 😴