That is truly regrettable.
That is truly regrettable.
I mean, everyone got to witness the AT-ATs introduction be quickly followed by a visual demonstration of how a simple rope could easily defeat it, do we really need more convincing?
Government is government, they all have equal capacity to be evil serve the Empruh.
So this is what they mean when someone says firing the MP5 “is like music to [their] ears.”
Yes, I believe the Brotherhood of Nod faction was introduced in the Tiberium Wars game, but its possible I may be wrong. Its been a while since Command & Conquer had a truly new release.
To defend the Brotherhood of Nod against the GDI.
Ladies always shave their pits
My guy has never seen Gabriele Susan Kerner’s live performance of 99 Luftballons.
Jets don’t have feet and armpits, obviously. This clearly explains why verity is no longer aerosexual.
I am a Lemmy mod and can confirm this is 100% true. Every Lemmy mod does this, the function is built right into the mod options right under the “Evil Mod Power” option.
She has now entered the “wants to settle down and have kids” phase.
I haven’t been here long verity, but it has been an honor o7
Given the historical obsession of Russians to make the most giant everything even to the point that it will bankrupt themselves, I fear if Ukraine did this, Russia would just build the world’s biggest trebuchet and become the supreme world leading nation.
Sonar removed
This is the best terrifying modification to put on a submarine. Congratulations on getting the least credible sub design award.
They’re so gigchad when Putin conscribes them, they say no and refuse to elaborate further.
Can’t stop the artillery the drone operator calls in. At that point it doesn’t matter how muscular they are.
Every drone gangster until the UAV AC-130 flies in.
Send a bigger drone with a net on it to catch the smaller drone.
Pictures taken moments before theft was committed:
I daily drive a 50+ year old Ford and this is not always true.