I’m curious, what good do you see trump doing for the country? It seems to me that he’s doing a lot of harm but we probably have differing views
I’m curious, what good do you see trump doing for the country? It seems to me that he’s doing a lot of harm but we probably have differing views
I certainly wouldn’t be crying myself to sleep that night.
I kinda feel like the ‘never genocide’ people were always secretly embarrassed trumpsuckers.
But I don’t have a problem with mods giving them the same protections as the rest of us. I think those people are a bunch of wankers but I don’t want Lemmy turning into more of an echo chamber than it already is.
Almost like it was intentional.
Yeah. Funny thing, that.
I’m not American but wouldn’t that mean Vance becomes president? It’s tempting to think he couldn’t be any worse, but trump likes the fucker so who knows?
They do say that folks who don’t learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. Which means scary times ahead.
Yeah I’ve heard of people dying that way. I believe you can actually get something like drunkenness from water - although you’d have to drink a lot, and you’d probably die not long after experiencing the sensation.
Too much of anything is going to fuck someone up proper.
I’ve injected a fair bit (accidentally) on one occasion. Took me a while to work out who I was and what had happened, but I was fine after a bit. But TBF you can overdose on pretty much anything if you take enough.
I feel the same way. But TBF I live in a country that voted for brexit. Essentially voted for sanctions against ourselves FFS, even though it should clearly have seemed like a horrible idea to everyone at the time. It’s not the same as electing an actual fascist but I’m just saying that Americans aren’t the only electorate that makes terrible decisions based on ignorance, xenophobia and misinformation.
Most demanding thing I’ve tried on it was beam ng drive, it ran but struggled a bit. I’ve never yet been unable to play something I wanted to on it.
TBH it might continue like this until the rest of the world legalises cocaine and it can be produced by businesses instead. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Isn’t there no soil there now?
Right, this story about a woman being drugged and raped repeatedly by strangers for years - and people are taking issue with the fuckin semantics on one sign in a crowd photo? Yeah, that’s the problem, right there.
I didn’t even look at the thumbnail. I’m a man btw. If I had to rewrite that sign it might say ‘NOT ALL MEN - JUST TOO MANY’. Or, I dunno, something like that.
I kinda feel like, for blokes there are two important things we can do. Aside from stop having arguments about who’s the bigger victim (it’s women). First is just don’t do that shit. Just don’t. It’s actually easy and rewarding to not be a bad person. Second is don’t let any other guys get away with even talking like that. Even if they’re mates, step the fuck up and let them know that talk is not okay. Let’s be honest, many of us have heard our mates talk about women in a way we weren’t quite comfy with and afterwards thought we should have said something. Say something.
Yeah Western Europe culturally not looking too clever these days re right wing shit. Not that America is doing any better mind.
Why? Cos I’m pretty sure it’s going to be lower than the number committed by men.
Cheers, yeah I’ve kinda grown into my own shit. It’s caused me a lot of problems over the years, but I’m getting old now and I’m okay with stuff.
I’m just saying that anyone can get hurt like that, but it’s mostly women getting hurt and it’s mostly men doing the hurting. We’ve got to fuckin stop doing that because it is profoundly wrong.
Yeah exactly. I’m a man who was assaulted as a kid by a woman. Shit happens. But looking at what shit happens most often - it’s sexual violence perpetrated by men against women.
I don’t know how we change that. Maybe by continuing to level up the power dynamic between men and women, I feel like we’ve been making some progress with that over the past century. Finally. But it’s more than that, there are too many idiot arseholes who think they can have anything their fists can beat down. Almost all of them are men.
Pretty much every girlfriend and female friend I’ve ever had has had bad experiences with men. Women I have cared about over the years have had experiences across the spectrum from cat calling and comments back when they were kids in school uniforms all the way through to stranger rape. Domestic violence isn’t uncommon either.
I dunno, I wish I had a solution. It fuckin breaks my heart - when a close friend or a partner opens up about what happened to her and there’s nothing you can do, it’s years too late, you have these thoughts like if I’d been there I could have stopped it- but it happened years ago and you are fuckin helpless to do anything except maybe hug her if she’s comfortable with that, or if not try to tell her it’s over, she’s safe and stronger now, whatever you think might help.
You don’t realise how harmful sexual assault is until you’ve been unable to help someone you love. The key word isn’t ‘sexual’, it’s ‘assault’.
Shit like that makes me fuckin ashamed to be a bloke. I don’t know how we fix this, but I’ve got two suggestions for a good start - firstly, we don’t do that shit. Never, there’s never an excuse. Secondly, we fuckin shut down other guys, even if they’re our mates, if they start with that sort of talk.
Yeah, there’s wrong uns in whatever gender. But in terms of atrocity it’s us men well in the lead. We gotta change that. I think we can at least fuckin try.
Somebody gild this!
I hope so. A good step would be for the UK to rejoin the EU but that seems unlikely to happen in the next decade. But we need to build solidarity and resilience, and like you say, increase our independence as much as feasible