What? No Icarus?! “Fly, on your way, like an eagle, fly, touch the sun”
What? No Icarus?! “Fly, on your way, like an eagle, fly, touch the sun”
Pot kettle black. Also a monstrous gobshite. He was bad enough just as an annoying business owner, now we have to put up with so much more.
Welcome to politics, there’s all sorts going on that we know nothing about that will influence who says what about whom, when and why. Hypocrisy is irrelevant to these people. He’s just influencing.
Alas I can’t find any news reports in the UK stating hundreds of thousands, that’s a really significant number of people for the UK, rather tens of thousands. Last year saw 300,000 pro Palestine protesters head to London, but it appears to be an over-‘estimation’ for this protest. Great to see people still going out in the UK though.
Paper chains around the room!
Phwarrr, that’s a sexy pose ;)
Not a big user of condiments so the only one I’ve come up with, and therefore technically a favourite - egg yolk and ketchup. I make it when I have a fried egg so, whatever cooked breakfast combo I’ve also made with it.
It’s not, it’s just that people with extreme views get a lot of attention/coverage. Those people exist, and there’s more than I’d personally like there to be, but they’re still in the minorty (those at the ‘crazy’ level, there is a lot of ‘racist lites’ of course). Just as an Englishman that I am, seeing the US being portayed as chock full of far right Trump worshippers wanting to overthrow democracy. Not least mention, Mexico.
Are you conflicted about finding someone you rationality don’t find attracted to, attractive? Does it feel like you’d loose your life as you currently know it, should you end up in a relationship with them because they’re so different, resulting in you loosing those other people you refer to?
You sound like you understand the differences between both people well so that’s good. Our hormones are crazy things that throw all sorts of emtions at us! Maybe try to see this as an exercise in finding/securing what you want in life, what people etc. You clearly see this other person as not your type ultimately, but they still have that ‘thing’ that makes you a bit giddy! Enjoy it for its silliness, safe that you know you’re highly unlikely to actually choose them! :)
I haven’t used them in a while but Fitness blender has a good selection. You can pick options on their website - cardio/hiit/low impact etc. to find what you need. No over excitable workout leaders, nice and clear, straight forward vids to watch.
They used to be free, but looks like they have a large pay section now, with some free vids still there. They were all previously on YT too so look there as well if you like the style.