The tracing of Covid in the UK (specifically England) was collected in .xls files
The tracing of Covid in the UK (specifically England) was collected in .xls files
They are cops
Did you try Synology Photos? If so, how does it compare?
Did you hang it?
Burgermeister, DE.
What nation?
Which country?
I average 2.5 hours a day on my phone. My work and hobbies involve computers so… probably like 11 or more a day
Very rare Phantom Menace quote. Props to you
It was added to the libraries in iTunes. Not forcefully downloaded.
Bono didn’t go through everyone’s iPhones
U2 for that album that they gave away for free
I use Fedora simply because I got a Framework and the fingerprint reader didn’t work in (K)Ubuntu so I tried Fedora as a little test. It worked, so I just stuck with it - everything else worked as I wanted, and it gave me the opportunity to try a completely new distribution.
Rustdesk is FOSS, no? You could certainly run an instance yourself to be more comfortable with where the data is going.
If you ignore the 80 years of oppression that preceded the Hamas attacks on Israel last year, the Israeli response has been one of genocidal intent. From indiscriminate bombings to cutting off supplies of food, water and other aid. They have directly killed at least 40k people, and likely many more from starvation and preventable diseases.
This could have been easily avoided by a simple prisoner swap. Israel has thousands of Palestinians detained without charge, and Hamas wanted to free them.
Those Euros will not be a lot of use in Denmark, a country outside of the Eurozone.
I’m right handed, but play pool the “wrong” way around. I was never really taught, it just feels right.
Have you used one? I constantly right click on things because I’m expecting it to be centred
I’m not fluent, but I speak a few words of zoomer. My understanding is the post is asking for things to snack (that’s a cognate) on that is unusual or otherwise unknown
Blue sky? Is that some sort of Mastodon knock off?