With fingernails. Else, it hurts and smth like a fork, knife can be used
With fingernails. Else, it hurts and smth like a fork, knife can be used
Those portals travel slowly. Good idea. Lets wait till it arrives…
A time Jump, I see
Thats the cutest thing I have heard since a decade
Depends on how sweet they are. But sometimes yes. Sometimes I dont even notice the green part so good the strawberry is
Is there an easy Guide? Would love to play around with it on Arch Linux with Wayland KDE
VR nevee worked for me the way it should like on Windows.
It did work many times and was playable. But soft stuttering was there. People literally gaslighted me on the internet that there is no stuttering while there obviously is
The episode where Squidward was searching his Clarinet in a small Tresor which he must share with Spongebob… but spongebob made a huge Harry Potter like Room in that small thing. Squidward was searching it inside there. Going from hint to hint into an LSD trip like adventure.
Hmmm. Is there an answer/solution to the problem?
May I put my own believe and thinking of the topic “God”?
I see God as something real in a metaverse. Everyone has a copy of God in our Brains. God is just a Blueprint, similar to a program or a peace of code. When multiple people believe in the same God, they feel and think in the same direction and apply the rules that the blueprint is given.
I see lots of benefits of having some more powerful being in your mind. To process emotions better that are too strong to handle alone with no hope. But there are also many cases where great mathematicians could go so far, because they tripped into infinities and understood many patterns. A god being is just our structure of society.
The sad part about the believe of god is that people think its more than real. That people should die because God wants to and etc. Because in our Physical world exists nothing that has to do with god. Its all Natural Selection, DNA code executing the right proteins to build things and neurons learning the patterns.
He never insulted you… wtf
Same. But before that. The last straw for me was in 2019 I think where Instagram announced they will use your Pictures for AI.
I left it. But I managed to leave everything and go to reddit, after destroying my Phone and using an old Phone without google on it.
Not a science nerd. But I would assume the inner trains would like to push forward, stealing some kinetic energy from the outer train because it pushes itself away from the outer train and making the outer train slower or even push back.
What I learned about people who seem kind at the first moment and manage to be liked pretty well, are mostly Narzisstic or egocentric people with lack of empathy. They might share empathy for a day to build a first impression but thats it. No real feelings involved.
Generally be cautious with such people and dont fall blind into thinking they are good people just because they make everything to have a good Ego. They are good at being liked and being well recieved, while they will always harm you in some way.
Bugs you find in new relases? Donate now to make them dissappear!
Seems incomplete tho
The best moments in my life, are not the Happy ones, but the spiritual ones.
Driving with the bike at 2am to a field and lying there with noone being around in kilometers. I think thats where I had the most charactee development done, where I could filter out and learn from bad moments and be happy about them and appreciate happy days.
Pain was the only factor driving this, so in conclusion, the worst moments in my life made me the happiest person I could ever be. But the happy days are important too, to not think life is unfair and unbalanced. Its both, but worse moments will have a bigger impact than Happy moments.
Maybe… when Biology booms similarly to LLM models like GPT… then we would see a bug fixed in the plants, which absorb CO2 pretty slowly with a protein building block and thus create an extreme amount of that protein instead of fixing the protein. Which means, if we fix the Protein and modify all plants to create and use it instead through DNA manipulation, then we could have a brighter future than we are now imagining (maybe only a bit less dystopical is what I mean)
Sounds fractal
Today I tried it. It was pretty easy because of AUR on Arch Linux.
I tried Ancient Dungeon VR and it worked pretty well. I just need to figure out how to use some plugins like Stardust or smth. I slammed my Table because I couldn’t see the borders.
But I can say one thing. You helped me mentally a lot. I don’t need to play most games anymore in Windows I assume. Windows literally killed all my plans for the day everytime I wanted to “play quick” and “work quick”. There was just one thing to do, and I mostly procastinated because I wasn’t sure if I should reboot or not. BUT NOW I CAN JUST PLAY WHENEVER I WANT AND STOP WHENEVER I WANT. FUCK YEAH! Thanks a lot!