Technically it’s: hold A, then press start
Technically it’s: hold A, then press start
Up, down, left, right, A & start at the same time. I still sing the jingle when sonic 1 starts
Ah yes, middle earth
The power of “yes, and …”
Basically when you are being accused of something, or need to shift how someone is perceiving you, instead of saying “yes, but …” You should try 'yes, and…"
Not only does it take the attention away from the negative, but it’s helping in building up new ideas.
Watching Sadam Hussain getting hung.
Saw it on a computer at school with the whole class
New Zelda, but it’s so damn long! I kinda lost interest after the goron area
I wanna get off Lemmy/all eventually, but everything kinda stuck there
I’m a socialist, mostly found this place thanks to word of mouth. Unfortunately users are turning more moderate every day. It’s a strange place
Honestly, all I care about is the music and I think she sounds great. Didn’t she leave scientology anyway? Who cares
What’s his name? Moot or something
I remember when the owner left and it was all bots overnight
Yeah I’m using public wifi
The benefits of not being reddit
Yeah I hate having button downs that tuck only one inch into my waist (I’m a man)