As someone with a semi-permanent farmers tan, usually the answer is getting sunburnt once with a sleeved shirt on.
As someone with a semi-permanent farmers tan, usually the answer is getting sunburnt once with a sleeved shirt on.
Usually violence from other men
At least you’ll never aggro endermen
As someone who recently weaned off of SSRIs after several years on them, I found that thre worked quite well for managing my (at the time I was prescribed) debilitating OCD. That combined with occasional weed edibles (1-4 times a month) seems to have permanently decreased my symptoms, to the point where I no longer need SSRIs. I’ve generally heard that they work much better when applied to anxiety disorders than for depression, which makes me wonder why they’re still prescribed so often for that. My guess is some combination of institutional inertia + minor symtom improvement + profit incentive.