I know, let’s all move to Japan. Cheap real estate and no Cheeto.
I know, let’s all move to Japan. Cheap real estate and no Cheeto.
This depresses the ever loving fuck out of me as a father. When I was a kid, I genuinely looked up to the president, and the thought that if I worked hard, I could conceivably (with very slim odds) be president one day. Now, my kids will see that the way to succeed is to lie, cheat, steal, and grift. It’s fucking disgusting.
Dibs on the mini gyro
The Kurds were also betrayed by 45 / 47. As were the Afghan people. It’s almost like he’s helping our adversaries with his foreign policy. Nooo, surely this is fine.
OP needs to hit the gym or something. I’ve always pulled them with my hand and never had a single issue.
I’m firmly in the both are a bit much camp.
Because they were bots
Let’s just do a FOIA request one time… Oh wait
They are going to have sham midterms and then magically have way more support
Plus, Elon’s really good with those vote counting computers. Maybe he can help.
What a cunt.
It’s clearly Tolkien, you racist.
Anything involving Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy
Stopped using Facebook when they killed the feed and started inputting random shit instead of posts of people I actually know. Slowed way down on reddit and came here when they killed RIF. Never had Twitter because it was a cesspool even before Elon. Never had Snapchat, or be real or tiktok because they all seemed stupid, and in the last one’s case, I didn’t want the CCP having any information about me. I still technically have a Facebook for marketplace and will check it on occasion, but I haven’t posted on probably like 8 years.
I don’t think anyone from the Afghan government was there when Trump gave all their shit to the Taliban
No. Fucking. Shit
Member when this was just a south park joke?
Just take jews out and add Mexicans, and you’ll be good
So glad they helped save Palestine, and definitely weren’t just eating up propaganda to get 🥭 reelected.
Mechanic. I have the tools and know how to fix my own car so long as we’re not talking about an engine rebuild, (and even that I could do and have done in the past, but it’s a pain in the ass usually and I don’t wanna). I enjoy the tinkering and troubleshooting. If it were a more desirable and high paying gig, I could see myself doing it for work. I also am IT support for my boomer mom.