Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
US, UK, DE… Fucker’s going for world domination.
I loved the movie children of Men. It was very interesting. You might like it too. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0206634/
You’re giving the vegans ideas now. Lol.
You can only buy them by the crate and their hundreds of dollars and you can pretty much be guaranteed that half of them will spoil during shipment. I may actually go in with a number of other people and purchase an entire crate of them but I’m not really sure I could find enough people that will be willing to pay or split the cost, especially with the knowledge that a bunch of them are probably going to spoil along the way.
Edit: It’s $36 for one banana with shipping costs.
$127 for a small box. I don’t have that kind of banana money
Source https://miamifruit.org
Thank you for the hope. You can still buy the gros michel, but it’s breathtakingly expensive. I’d love to finally try one.
🎶 it’s not the best chooooooice… It’s spacers choice!🎶
That makes sense. It definitely all makes me uneasy. We really don’t need further depersonalization of killing.
That’s a really interesting and probably accurate take!
I’m really curious to see all the unexpected innovations that come from this war. …not that I feel good about the human cost.
What makes you able to do this?
Exactly. Also, It’s being used as a marketing cohort and therefore to be despised and reviled. In this lexicon, you are the product.
Also, vote, dammit. Unite.
This is why playing outer planets is traumatizing.
I don’t disagree, but the systems necessary to make this happen non-destructively just do not exist.
BTW, you may like the limits to growth study. https://archive.org/details/TheLimitsToGrowth
Although it is kind of a downer. In the 70s, they predicted the downfall of society. We’re on track with the prediction, more or less.