rump and his supporters are beyond very dumb! History will use the term maga in the future to describe the ultra dumb!
rump and his supporters are beyond very dumb! History will use the term maga in the future to describe the ultra dumb!
Murica is that shitty dog owner at the dog park who is sitting on the bench looking at their phone while their dog is running around bitting and trying to fuck the other dogs.
Ford is spineless. I doubt he has the balls to do this
Congrats, murica, you sure owned the libs
Cant spell russia without usa
Murica died with a whimper!
So they gave up their minerals and will continue to be invaded. Great deal!
I am 1000% ok with any country invading israel
Can we all just agree there is no “good” media? Journalism died for profits
I am A-OK with religious folks taking each other out!
I hope he trips and lands face first, no hands
Let’s just get ww3 going already. Hopefully the nukes wipe out humanity. We have no right to exist
I hope trump grabs janet by the pussy in front of gretz! Gretzky is a fucking disgrace to Canada! Fuck that loser!
You mean the genoncided who have become the genociders are finding out people fucking hate them. Good!
Big shocker!
Can we send another tesla to space with the musk rat tied to it?
Deal! Canada with the west coast + NY would be quite the team!
Eat shit rump.