And there’s the pretext to invade Mexico, or maybe just nuke it.
And there’s the pretext to invade Mexico, or maybe just nuke it.
Damn, he beat the record by 42 seconds. That’s extremely impressive. I’d assumed it would be less then a ten second difference.
You might be able to buy a candy bar.
My buddies and I used to have board game nights. When we inevitably ended up ordering food, people would start pitching in the money just so they didn’t have to call. (As in yes, the guy who made the call got to eat for free.)
Considering he’s fucking with the leadership of the military, it’s definitely not going to go well.
Plus we have a supposed volunteer military. Do ya think they want to go attack Ukraine? No. No, I don’t think they do.
And give up half a trillion in ‘rare earths’. That’ll be a hard no, and Trump wants to end NATO anyway. What horseshit.
We once had a cat, Mojo, who got terribly matted like that once and we found out she loved to be shaved.
My wife is a vet tech and would bring her in for the new employees to practice trimming. She would lean into the trimmer and purr the whole time.
Here’s Mojo with her Mojohawk:
They originated the show. You should check it out. Some of the key players in the American version started out there, like Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Greg Proops.
“Blaming the economy won’t cut it.”
blames the economy
And he’s probably disgruntled about it.
My vet tech wife, more than 40 years in the business, says she has never before seen a pet Peeve.
Thought you’d like to know you are relatively original.
I’m not the OP so can only speculate but my sister-in-law has garage cats because her husband is allergic.
And in this case it could also be that they aren’t sure how litter trained the cat is and don’t want to risk the house just yet.
No danger to humans, only other cats.
My vet tech wife agrees.
The antibiotics should’ve done the job so the cat needs attention.
Some good viral marketing right there!
Or “defenestracies”.
It brings out a whole new world of flavor. Truly surprising. Just toss with a little olive oil and bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes or so.
Try roasting the broccoli first, assuming you don’t already.
She is a woman of color who was a cop and prosecutor when recent events call those first two qualities into question with the latter two.
But this is a time when Democrats, I believe, will say that this is a strong candidate with knowledge of the legal system in a time when we need to strike down right-wing supported terrorism and put the enemies of our nation away.
Let’s see how she campaigns, not that she can lose my vote.
Well don’t get me wrong, I’m not hoping for that outcome. But I did predict it months ago - nuke Mexico to stop the cartels and migrants and then invade Canada. All built around bullshit, lies, and demonizing truly desperate people.