Netflix and krill?
Netflix and krill?
Americans aren’t gonna do anything. They’re way too passive, they’re just gonna keep eating shit until one day the roulette wheel accidentally stops on a good leader and even then they’ll just keep droning on.
Their country has been in heavy decline for 20-30 years now and even before that it was degrading but not as fast. Has the population done anything at all to stop/fix anything at all? No, they go on social media and use silly buzzwords (at the moment it’s the German word for synchronization that was used by the Nazis), they write out their feelings and pretend that something was done.
That blind ignorance to awards reality is eating their future away.
Nothing will be done in America, corporate control has been established. Eat your feed, pay your taxes and go consume.
What happened to proton?
People in your generation will still be corrupt and think that money/power is more important than anything else. They’re usually the people in those positions, why would they give up changes for power?
America isn’t going to change.
Are you Swedish?
Not shitting on it but why does Kenya have forces there?
Don’t do it.
Some credit cards/bank services will round up your purchases for you and save whatever extra in a savings account. See if you can do that for a 1 year and see how much money you’ve been giving away.
The American take on LoTR, did line go up tho?
100% correct.
He sounds like an average American.
Working out was great for me too, I found the most exhausting thing I could do. Did a 1h class 3 x Week, no need to plan or prep anything, just show up and get absolutely exhausted.
I know how it sou da but you get SO much energy back.
Over 20 years ago they ran over US citizen Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer when she protested Israel stealing Palestinian land. As horrible and disgusting as it is: it’s the same as it ever was. The US doesn’t even give a damn about it’s own citizens
when it comes to Israel.
That’s absolutely a factor but it’s also all the issues that are popping up regarding build quality.
Bad deliveries/customer service, issues with door panels, water leaks, general build quality, etc. There are a lot of things right as well but like you said, he’s tainting the image and further putting negative pressure on the brand.
Sending his mom over
Cut in half, use knife to pull out core, score the flesh into little cubes, scoop out.
I wanna know what he’s photoshopping tho
From Wikipedia with the original source being The Python Years. Michael Palin (2006)
In the Monty Python film Life of Brian, there is a scene where Michael Palin (as Pontius Pilate) talks about a friend with the name Biggus Dickus, which causes several extras to crack up. In character and in a long, drawn out fashion, he confronts the extras and dares them to laugh while repeating the name. Palin himself nearly corpses, most obviously when he asks the guard if he finds it 'wisible' when he says the name Biggus Dickus. The extras completely lose composure when he mentions Biggus Dickus' wife's name is Incontinentia Buttocks. Ad-libbing like this was intentional to create an authentic reaction from the extras.
This is from Michael Palins diary and doesn’t make any reference to withholding pay from actors and just says the scene had some improvisation in it.
This quote is taken verbatim from an answer to a similar question on Movie’s stack exchange, it tells a similar story of the scene being improvised and again makes no reference to the withholding payment for laughing
I have a physical copy of Monty Python's Encyclopythonia; which contains some interviews with the Python members.
It's not that the guards weren't aware of the script. They were. However, when the scene was being shot, one of the actors couldn't help but laugh because of Michael Palin's character. It was just that funny.
Instead of ending the scene, Palin stayed in character and approached the guard; resulting in the scene you are referring to.
However, that does not prove that the guard's reactions (after their initial unintended outburst) were genuine. They could have picked up on the fact that Palin was improvising, and they continued the scene based on how Palin was steering the conversation.
Monty Python is well known for its improvisation. In improv, when you are dealing with more than one actor; all actors need to understand what they are acting out, and will therefore "build a sketch together" on the fly.
Presumably, only the initial laugh was genuine. The rest is simply a continuation of the scene in an improvised manner.
All evidence points to the fact the scene was improvised to an extent by Michael Palin and the extras Chris Langham, Andrew MacLachlan and Bernard McKenna. I could not find a single piece of evidence that even slightly points to the guards being threaten to not be paid.
Absolutely retarded but here we are pushing the pedal to the metal. Climate wars here we come!
That is fucking wild!
American Speedrun to the ground.