Suspect wanted to kill Jews, stabbed an unsuspecting Spaniard. Hate to say it, but you really do never expect the Inquisition.
Suspect wanted to kill Jews, stabbed an unsuspecting Spaniard. Hate to say it, but you really do never expect the Inquisition.
If you’re totally uninterested, independently of potential awkwardness, I’d basically explain as much. “I think you’re cool and we have a lot in common, but I’ve been thinking and realized I might not be comfortable with the age difference and potentially changing the group dynamic.”
If it’s purely the potential external consequences that have you ready to cut off the possibility, and you could actually see yourself in a relationship with them, I’d say you could mention that concern, but don’t let it make the decision for you. Sounds like this is someone likely to understand social anxiety and who also values the group dynamic, so I doubt they’d react super negatively to mentioning that you want to be careful about that and preserve it while seeing if there’s more there between the two of you.
I don’t want to kill my dad or fuck my mom…
What would you say to Gollum while he leads you to Mount Doom when his dingus flops out?
Got dangit my benereal gomputer is acting up again. Must be the weather.
I have two sides, and you don’t want to see my bad side. Please get me to a hospital if you do.
Literally anytime CEOs, billionaires, or landlords come up. And not like euphemistic “eat the rich” type statements, tankie shit about literally murdering landowners (but also about how Tianemen Square was ok/just US propaganda, Russia has a right to Ukraine, and the CCP is truly progressive and respects human rights).
Lemme.ml: Where you can call for murder and warfare against meat eaters and landlords, but don’t even think about saying a no-no word, mister!
Edit: funny how all the negative comments flood in at once, almost like folks clocked in for work.
“It’s just G now, Jack. We sold the E to Samsung. They’re Samesung now.”
Obviously the thing that makes least sense in the image is Darth Vader visiting the beach. All that coarse sand, it gets everywhere!
Ooohhh. Now I see. Or rather, I hear.
I don’t get it
U boat, bro?
Pomegranate pips work well in most salty dishes, roasted apple is great with a strong, soft cheese.
Going to a legit optometrist that either cuts their own lenses or tells you where to get good ones rather than trying to find the cheapest option online is probably the biggest thing. They tend to recommend or automatically go for the other top tips, like avoiding any coating that will ripple/peel/fade over time, using high-index materials for high prescriptions (expensive, but drastically reduced the necessary thickness and curvature + distortion of the crystal), and spacing the lens centers to your personal measurements.
Shit in, shit out. But at least I know when to blame the producers this way!
Same exact situation here (incredibly luckily), so I guess I mean “support” not in the sense that my wife isn’t excited for me when I find something worth getting, but more that I wish her excitement came from a similar place as mine, a selfish excitement to use whatever is on the way herself, rather than a much sweeter excitement about me being excited lol. And excellent meme, wil certainlyl be sending it along.
But they make Saints Row so much fun