These sanctions were a joke.
It was a handful of people targeted who were never going to leave Israel anyway and won’t be that bothered by not having access to American financial institutions.
These sanctions were a joke.
It was a handful of people targeted who were never going to leave Israel anyway and won’t be that bothered by not having access to American financial institutions.
The person you’re arguing with doesn’t. So apt statement.
Well the last elections had Bernie, so effort was spent on that option for change instead.
Funny how a decent choice of candidate can be the difference between promoting said candidate and promoting not voting at all. Almost like representation matters.
It’s analogous to sanctioning Pvt. Ivan McBlyat but leaving Putin untouched.
If anyone actually cared about these people they had 4 years to do anything for them. There is zero excuse for it taking so long Trump was able to cancel it.
Same shit if you’re Palestinian eh?
But hey glad to know you can live with supporting genocide abroad as long as you’re not bothered at home.
Selection bias no? You’re not exactly going to hear from the innocent person stuck in a jail without representation or due process.
So you’ll trade one innocent life for two?
And who are you to decide who’s lives?
You’re saying this from the luxury of not an over crowded cell because all you did was be outside at the time a government truck pulled over and abducted a group of random people at gun point.
Yes it sounds great to say things when you’re not the one suffering the consequences.
Weren’t they gonna change the name or something?
I miss when they had their heads chopped off.
As a Melbournian, that is utter hogwash. You should get a job writing for The Hun.
We’re born with a race, sex, and gender. We are not born with a religion.
Religion can safely be dropped and one huge cause of so many conflicts can go away. It wont solve 100% of the problem, and we will still fight over stuff we can’t control but it’s still worth it to try even for a partial win.
And they all think Hitler should never have been trialled if he was caught alive?
You’re thinking of Eastern Asia.
Won’t somebody think of the poor struggling businesses.
Where would society be without those good old death stick sellers who hid decades of research into health risks and marketed to children. Cornerstone of society and they’re trying to ban it? Savages.
Doesn’t look like shit for a Linux app.
I dunno, I feel like lulling an enemy whose frothing at the mouth to attack you into believing your missiles aren’t a real threat is a good strategy to get them to underestimate you at their peril.
I’m a huge Biden guy. Love him.
How can you love someone who is so adamantly defending and enabling a genocide?
Yeah tell that to the people themselves who have spent so much of their life working hard to study at such prestigious institutions to not be able to find the employment they actually want.
They worked hard with the expectation of being rewarded by it with a larger payout later in life. Instead they’re stuck toiling as low wage workers, and have let their families down.