I wouldnt be surprised if american id’s were just a laminated piece of paper.
I wouldnt be surprised if american id’s were just a laminated piece of paper.
Even when you removed the french language pack?
I get it. Elasticity isn’t something you think about in the every day so it all seems rigid.
So when you pull on the stick and it doesnt immediately get pulled back on the other side, you are, at that instant, creating more stick?
What I think: “They’ll live without my reply.”
What I do: I don’t reply.
What happens: I do this more and more get alienated from the people I should have replied to.
last message: 2019… oh well…
For your profession, there should be plenty of companies where English is spoken, irregardless of the country. In my previous company, we had engineers from all over and while English was everyones second language, it was the only common one we had so that was spoken. I’d first try to choose a country you like or where immigration is easy and focus on finding employment there.
I don’t think the point of Linux is to tinker. That would kinda make it for tinkerers only. In my view, the point of Linux is that its a kernel only and you can use it to build an OS around and build one which is easy to tinker with or one which isn’t. Point is, not every system is suited for every task and the Linux kernel allows you to use it how you wish (via distros or you can make your own system around it). Why the gatekeeping?
10k will not do much good on the grand scale of things. Once you start involving other people directly, the costs start skyrocketing. Be it if you want to bribe politicians, fund a revolution, invest into sustainable tech or just creating a bottle cap recycling programme, 10k just isnt gonna get you far enough. So focus on your own climate impact. I think the absolute best you could do for the most positive net good is to take inventory of your own carbon emissions and replace or upgrade whatever you need to lower them. Lower your heating usage by getting a heat pump instead of burning coal for example. This will depend on how low your carbon output currently is though.
I dont mind Python, in fact I kind of like it. Its easy enough, works fast enough and has a huge community backing. Open up notepad and start typing. The space thing is kinda stupid. I prefer braces and semicolons but apparently new programmers cant remember to use them so Python just got rid of them… not my thing but whatever, I can live with it.
However, I’d never really want to create a large project in it. The dev tools arent there, .net style project management isnt there. I can see how it just becomes a mess if you try to make something that isnt just downloading some data, parsing and importing to somewhere else. Its great for simple stuff. It can do larger stuff - though not as good. It cant do enterprise, performance heavy, commercial stuff.
Pick the right tool. Yeah you can make a website in x86 ASM and you can make embeded systems for the space shuttle in Python. The question is why.
We live in a society.
Why? Cant they make their own? I thought if Russia was producing anything useful, it would be ammo at this point.
Hot take: none. Let information flow free. Take it with the good and the bad. Don’t lock yourself in an echo chamber.
What exactly does the US produce that is imported into the EU? Consumer market, of course, where one person has choice in the matter.