Wir hatten mal ein Wahlplakat von denen am Bahnhof ein paar Orte weiter - war immer “schön”, das morgens aus dem Fenster zu sehen. Im liberalen Münchner Raum.
Wir hatten mal ein Wahlplakat von denen am Bahnhof ein paar Orte weiter - war immer “schön”, das morgens aus dem Fenster zu sehen. Im liberalen Münchner Raum.
Nun, es wird mit Sicherheit Wähler geben, die praktisch das wählen, was als erstes einen Prospekt einwirft.
Well, maybe not a moratorium, but I certainly would appreciate some peace and quiet.
Huh, feels like someone in their intelligence service realised “oh wow, you can sabotage infrastructure that way and pretend it was an accident!” and their handler decided to just do that and nothing else. Sure won’t help chinese merchant vessels and will probably damage any relations longterm. Good job, Xi.
“culturual differences” what the actual fuck.
This would be close to the maximum possible sentence in Germany, I assume France has similar rules.
“Your mistle toe is no match for my TOW Missile!”
Goodness, thanks for reminding me, now I won’t sleep. Regardless, THAT empire is thankfully gone.
I think there used to be a teaching that depiction of humans was - for some reason - forbidden. But my source is the novel “Der Medicus” , so take that with a teaspoon of salt.
I recommend watching the third one, not because it is a good movie, but because it is a hilarious movie.
Thanks for the info! I didn’t think they were widespread, but figured they might be a bit wholesome and would light up this thread :)
Projecting ads onto the tunnel walls off of a moving subway. Seen in mainland Taiwan China.
I’d like to add that there are good versions of “microloans”! I learned that there used to be (or still are, didn’t check) non-profit " banks" in some parts of India (and South africa I think) that would give out small loans of a few dollars to a few hundred dollars (which can be quite a lot of money in India). There was no collateral and low interest, but a group of people had to apply for a loan together. Until the first loan was paid back, the rest of the group couldn’t apply again. It was meant to provide financial backing and capital to microbusinesses (e.g. fishers, farmers, peddlers) that would otherwise be excluded from the financial market due to a lack of collateral and otherwise be forced to take high-interest loans.
This headline could use some Mandy Rice-Davies.
It’s hard to believe someone can stomach to take a stance against such overwhelming cruelty - which was probably the intention. Not exactly a new form of terrorism, but shocking nonetheless.
To understand the reef, you have to become one with the reef.
Finally, the Apache attack helicopter-joke makes sense. U.S. conservative commenters can now rest in peace.
Which is highly populated by .ml (such as you, which is not an inherently negative thing) and people that probably come from that line of thinking. Tbf I did not check what instance the people in question were on, so you are right for calling me out on simply assuming so. Regardless, OP was posting somewhat controversial statements and was met with a crowd that considers the statements “police officers are humans, too” to be controversial.
Verzeih, wofür stehen diese Zahlen? Ich sehe die immer wieder mal und komme nicht dahinter. Es scheint kein Leet-Sprech zu sein, im Taschenrechner ergibt es auch keinen Sinn, …