Words make my head hurt
Words make my head hurt
No lie, you a funny guy
punches you in the sternum
Who said anything about opinions?
Also the freedom to punch each other in the sternum
Fuckin nazi
You are correct, the only thing I know about Canada is your still part of the empire in some wierd way and you fought hard as fuck during WW2.
Kinda wierd I know more about Mexican history than yours
Somehow the takes responding to this post (tho satirical) just kept getting hotter
Wait… Are curses censored for you guys?
Like eggs, but I can live without.
I haven’t looked but I dbout there’s a lot of American isolationists on Lemmy
A parents obligation to their children is more nuanced than your implying, setting an example isn’t the only factor. Not to mention abuse is used to break your will to stand up for yourself, and even if that weren’t a factor, communication isn’t possible with people unwilling to listen.
Relationships are a two way street, but when you’ve got kids., it’s not just about the relationship with your partner anymore
Is this a quote? I R Much Confused
I want you guys to know, this is easily the coolest lemmy thread IV ever seen
Did someone mix up the dreadnaught and Maine parts? I think you get servitored for that
Fuck man…kinda feelin that way ey?