You can make all the vague guesses you want, I’ve lived the experience and can say flat out the instance uses respectability politics to shut out criticism. Like it’s clear as day to anyone on the receiving end of that what they’re about.
~~https://mastodon.social/@omegahaxors~~ My mastodon account has been permanently suspended. I have my data exported so I can start my account up again, if I ever do that I will update my account link here, but with bad of a taste the platform has put in my mouth, I probably won’t migrate.
You can make all the vague guesses you want, I’ve lived the experience and can say flat out the instance uses respectability politics to shut out criticism. Like it’s clear as day to anyone on the receiving end of that what they’re about.
All i’m trying to say is them defederating from lemmygrad tells you everything about that instance that you need to know. Hexbear I get, but grad holds themselves up to a way higher standard of comment quality and there was zero reason to defederate outside political. They literally only blocked the instance because they were communists who aren’t afraid to calmly debunk fascist propaganda with sources, and that’s an experience corroborated by literally anyone who has had the displeasure of interacting with their polite-fascist administration.
EDIT: the example you provided is not only completely useless as it guts the original intent of the message but is STILL too offensive for them, as bringing up fascism is already “killing the mood” more than enough for them to remove. Not only that they would accuse you of calling the OP a Nazi which is another way they can shut you down. Believe me I’ve dealt with liberal fascists my whole life i’ve heard it all.
How do you respectfully say “this is nazi propaganda?” You can’t. That’s the point. That’s why they do it.
Because you’re seeing them as an idealized object of desire, not as a person.
How to break out of this: think of a bunch of flaws they could have that would be challenging but not deal-breakers.
I quote it nearly every day
There is no problem that can’t be solved by getting off Twitter
Hmm wonder why people would quit a circlejerk platform that bans people who call out when someone posts literal fascist propaganda.
It’s because beehaw mandates its positivity. I once called out one of their posts as being fascist and they banned me for being rude about it.
I feel like any place that forces people to be positive in a world where there’s so much injustice is always going to passively side with evil.
Either you value people above property, which makes you a socialist, or you value property above people, which makes you a fascist.
“Documentation is on discord.”
“Why can’t I join”
“We banned you after seeing what you post on social media.”
Chess gets pretty boring because it’s one of those games that can be solved. It’s at its most fun when you have two players of relatively low and equal skill. After that every game kind of boils down to doing the same thing over and over again and you gotta start doing chess variants.
It becomes a lot less funny when it affects you personally.
Jokes about causing harm to children is always a huge red flag.
You do realize the troll face is being used by pedophile rings to identify each other?
Yeah I was making a point that even the most “fascist” communist is still a zillion times less fascist than your average liberal. I love that you brought that article because it reinforces my point that anti-communism is always pro-fascism.
It is a bare minimum that the current world order can’t even pass. They can’t even go a week without funding a mass ethnic genocide.
The users are a mixed bag but the mods/admins absolutely are in the business of running a nazi bar. They’re doing the classic strategy of passively protecting fascists while actively suppressing those calling out the fascists. They also ban people who are open communists.
I mean when people give Stalin shit yet don’t bat an eye at what Lenin did, I can safely assume they’re going off cold war propaganda.
I learned about a week ago why they are the way they are. See the soviet union was the closest in their mind the world has ever come to communism, so even though it’s fallen into fascist oligarchy, they still hold hope that the anticommunist putin is going to rise up and reestablish global communism once more. The only problem with that is that… well Russia doesn’t want communism. This is their playbook Yeah, that doesn’t look socialist, that looks like “we tried communism it didn’t work so lets do fascism this time” so they end up throwing their support towards red flavored fascism since it’s the best chance (in their minds) at getting global communism. When the alternative is an american nazi world order, or tiny countries with no power, you don’t really have much choice.
But here’s something I want every single one of you to realize having read all of that: Even the most fascist redfash still would have killed the nazis. The same cannot be said for the average (in-power) liberal today. Anticommunism is always pro-fascism. Never let your critiques of the left turn into support for the right.
EDIT: Case in point, the person i’m responding to is never going to see this post because they’re on a nazi bar instance that banned me.
The closest I ever found to love was a result of me being unapologetically myself. I was a terrible person but it turns out that someone was into that. By the end I was involved with someone else’s life by no effort of my own; exemplified by the fact that my first memory of them is a few years after their first memory of me. Sadly as I grew as a person we fell off and this time i’m finding it a lot harder to find someone who likes me.