USER INPUT: “Generate an image of a house, please. Make sure it has normal windows, and euclidean geometry.”
USER INPUT: “Generate an image of a house, please. Make sure it has normal windows, and euclidean geometry.”
That didn’t even stand out to me at first, lmao
Parabellend is really good
Does it say ass? Looks like it says ass.
Echidnas have weird dicks, as well. Spiny, and 4-headed. The heads function two at a time, and alternate - though I’m not sure the frequency. Didn’t read that far cause there was a picture and I was like “holy shit.”
Nine-Inch Pseudopenis (Futa Clitoruleis)
deleted by creator
If you’re much younger than, say, 35, it probably won’t be an issue anyway.
Right? Gotta sell your blood to save your mind.
🤣 I don’t have a response to this
Situation aside, I absolutely love downloading super specific memes that the meaning of which I will either have no recollection, or will be etched into my brain forever. Sometimes it’s assassinations, sometimes it’s moot posting soup b which seems to have disappeared.
Love tossing cannabis salads
Leave it to the British to yoink a new pharaoh out of the ground. The museum attendance must be down.