I mean, that’s fair.
After 30mins of inactivity my account locks and my screens blank. Few seconds after that my monitors go to standby. That’s it. I never shutdown unless something necessitates it and I only really reboot for updates if they require it. My PC basically stays on 24/7 and I’ve never had any issues. Current build has parts all the way back from 2015/2016 with no failures to speak of.
What’s marked as “castle” probably became Lumbridge, if I had to guess.
“You already are.”
I dicked around with the VM route for a while and could never really get it working 100% to my liking. There was always a trade-off. I ended up just getting a second PC and tucking it in a cabinet out of sight. When I need Windows I just use remote desktop to connect to it.
Ok, but anyone with a monster energy tattoo needs to be bonked on the head. It’s 2024 for crying out loud! I thought we were passed this!
Do your friend a favor and install Windows back on his laptop for him.
Some-what related funny story: at my old job we removed the built-in games from Windows as part of our Windows 7 rollout. Most people didn’t even notice, but the director of public safety was so upset that he demanded (not just asked) we put them back on his computer. When we refused he went to his DOCTOR and got a note stating that he needed Solitaire on his work PC as it helped him manage his anxiety. I was flabbergasted.
I was out of the loop, you got me. This is hilarious.