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Using brand chemicals like Pledge. Making sure fans or vents arent spitting dust particles.
Dust is just inevitable, it’ll come back in one way or another. It’ll make layers and it’ll just be dirty all over again. The best we can do is just slow it down, but you’ll still get dust from somewhere.
For a while whenever I took breaks from typical games and music, I’d go after software. Old software like Photoshop CS2 for example, just for nostalgia’s sake.
Nothing cool, of course.
Why are you posting something years ago?
Not really. I’ve been beaten over the head about Christmas as far back as September this year. So, by the time I reach the actual day of Christmas, it’s like “…so what?”. It’s like Capitalism’s favorite holiday now, along with Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I can’t get that cheery or festive for a day that has been hijacked to maximize profits, especially if people are nagged about it for months on end until it’s the day.
You speak some truth here. I’ve been meaning hard to try and go out to movie theaters. I just keep ending up not going. Like, I know I’m missing out on the experience of seeing things on a gigantic screen at the comfort of a chair. I know I’m missing out on the latest and greatest. But it’s the expensive concessions and the experience of hearing many sounds coming from people as the movie itself tries drowning out that waters it down for me. Not to mention having to travel to the theater and pay the rising ticket prices just for the negatives.
I’m 35, I still buy toys in toy aisles, I still have cartoons from my past on lists when streaming stuff.
Here’s how I look at it - I’m responsible of an adult to do adult things when I need to. There’s just some things though that I’m allowed to do in my own space, away from everyone. It’s nobody’s fucking business. And I do admire those that are open about this thing. I do understand now why some people say that age is a number, in this context.
Besides, I find adult life pretty damn boring anyways. At my age, I’m expected to be knee-deep into sports, I’m expected to have had retirement savings like 401k, I’m expected to have a career I’m slaving myself to and all that shit. All the while wearing plain-ass clothing and getting into boring-ass conversations with NPCs.
Fuck all of that. You do you, I do me.
People and I’ve been beaten over the head with it too, were marketed to believe that to make it successfully in life is to go with tech. The problem is that most of the people didn’t begin with the chops to even understand tech to begin with and yet they try. That’s why you see these people working in tech when they shouldn’t be. Some are in tech because they got the obvious leg-up, word in about them through a friend which is common. And usually they’re managing departments or sectors of tech that they have absolutely no grasp of but they’re there for the gravy train of money because working in tech is where some big money is.
I truly believe that innovating the internet is really running in place. Might be just me but I can’t think of anything we can really do, to ‘evolve’ it. We’re doing everything that we’ve been doing in the past three decades, but it’s only just been more accessible and the speeds faster (depending where you are). But we’re not actually moving the needle when it comes to progressing the internet as a whole.
And I see it this way as to why. We’ve experienced two big booms in Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, with Web 1.0 being what some consider the Wild West of the internet. Web 2.0 is basically the great social media bubble that has blossomed for years. We’re not doing anything new or different now than we did back in 2007. Every new social media platform that comes out is recycling the exact same things as many before it presented. I truly think we stopped evolving the internet the day we managed to get messengers onto phones when phones were developing and it’s only been perfected by the age of the first wave of smartphones.
So I just think with all of this AI stuff, this “Web 3.0” I’ve been hearing about for a few years now, the Metaverse .etc are all just gimmicks. Gimmicks of shitty ideas coming from the wrong people that should be practicing said ideas, all saying that they’re innovating the internet when all that they’re doing is just taking advantage of the internet for themselves. All within political theater of course.
Lemmy wasn’t made with the promise of higher-end discussions or intellectual thought. Rather, the Fediverse wasn’t constructed with that in mind. It was made as an alternative to escape the grand enshittification that has poisoned the wells of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and other overly-centralized social media platforms.
So I think you’re really aiming too high for what you seek on here. I’ve noted and seen very clear similar behavior on some parts of the Fediverse as I would on Reddit. You really can’t escape it because it’s not strictly a social media platform thing. That’s what many people continue to fail in realizing. It does not matter where you go, because you will find groups of no-life assholes with nothing better to do than to instigate fights and shit on everyone’s parade for their amusement. Along with other bullshit they do like victimizing themselves and crying to mods with made-up stories to get you banned.
It’s an internet thing and the internet in it’s entirety is bigger than any social media platform because those social media platforms are simply just parts of the bigger picture. So my point is, is that anyone can be an asshole, but there are always going to be dedicated assholes who live that kind of lifestyle everywhere you go. Going from Social Media Platform A to Social Media Platform B or to Social Media Platform C will not fix that. To be quite frank with you, I find it easier to stick with one community so that way you don’t have to deal with the chances of dealing with the potential assholes who’re going to be under different names.
And it also depends on how well moderated a community is. Keep this in mind.
Wojak is more than a face template.
More like America - Fuck you for living here, bruh. Deal with it.
Shopping at Wal-Mart for example for clothes is one of the most underwhelming experiences I ever get. They did away with Fruit of the Loom shorts and even their cotton-branded shorts with AthleticWorks. Now there’s too many jersey sports like shorts and that’s all that they ever have. On top of that, all that they got for clothes is corporate branded shit and I don’t want to be a walking billboard for corporate. As well as those shirts with dumb sayings on them to try and appeal with people.
Shopping online is obviously better.
I’m only one person. I cannot fix all of these problems because these problems have to be fixed by a collaborative effort through a unified group to make anything we want work. I did what I thought I could by voting, I did what I could by spreading the message with my own voice about the things I know with what I saw going south in this country. But again, I can’t fix everything.
So, I can’t worry about things I have no power in fixing, as much as I’d like.
Tried doing an area search, only got a form for my address to notify me when service is available.
Because they are the shitty kind. Here is what I do not get, I have seen CenturyLink and Mediacom vans come in my area. I assume it is to service people’s connections or other things. If my apartment management tells me that VisionSystems is all that they can offer, why do I see vans from other ISPs come here?
And Mediacom isnt too far from us either.
Mediacom and CenturyLink claim to not service my building though so something is not adding up.
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