Strange. Thanks for the heads up. It looked to be working on my end using the Sync app, but I’ve heard Sync isn’t getting any regular updates anymore. Either Sync broke something, or I did!
Strange. Thanks for the heads up. It looked to be working on my end using the Sync app, but I’ve heard Sync isn’t getting any regular updates anymore. Either Sync broke something, or I did!
Love the idea, but (spoiler for the end of Portal 2) >!isn’t that kind of what Chell did at the end of Portal 2 to defeat GlaDOS? The portal on the Moon causes the portal on Earth to suction everything out into space.!<
Lurkers unite!
At the back of the community.
Where we watch and only occasionally post the odd comment… When we feel like it. Maybe tomorrow.
What is in the deer’s eye in the last panel? A reflection? An alternative that never was?
I’m getting strong “blue steel” vibes.
Yes, you’re right everything can cause serious harm or kill, but certain things are designed to harm or kill, or designed to look like something that could harm or kill.
Context is a big factor here. A person holding a 6 inch knife in a kitchen? No one is going to bat an eye. They’re probably using that knife to prep vegetables. Same knife, same person but they are walking around a market/playground/movie theatre? Suddenly it’s a very different situation and context.
Is that stranger with the knife safe? I don’t know, but I do know that I don’t have anything to defend myself aside from what is around me if they ARE NOT a safe person.
Good point! I wonder how hard it would be to get the same pressure as Earth and in the space station?