As somebody with kids, I feel the same way. People asking “are you gonne have more?” Or “were you trying?”
Like yeah I jazz up in there on the reg Aunt Linda thanks for asking about me dropping these loads, pass the ham.
As somebody with kids, I feel the same way. People asking “are you gonne have more?” Or “were you trying?”
Like yeah I jazz up in there on the reg Aunt Linda thanks for asking about me dropping these loads, pass the ham.
Zoloft just means I get more cardio
Not even as old as book Frodo going on his adventure
The “I’m feeling lucky button” was born from those days. I remember the old times, when it worked.
Some choice lyrics from “If you own the Washington Redskins you’re a cock” by Atom and His Package:
And you’ll go “Wah wah wah, you’re so PC” And I will say “Wait” Remind me again how it came to be That being “the stupid American” is a desirable trait
Wouldn’t it be offensive if we cheered: “Rah rah rah” for the Carolina Negroes With a beatbox cheer and big foam afros? Or if the Minnesota Vikings became the New York Kikes With dollar bills on their helmets cause that’s what they like You know?
“Atom, what about the Saints, Angels, Padres too? Ain’t that the same thing for Christians that’s offending you?”
When there’s a Jesus Christ mascot dog shooting crucifixes Nailed to a cross, dying to save the team You’ll be right, you’ll be right But until then You’re. Not. Right
Adding an expansion pack to bump up my N64 to an N68 so it can render that ass
News in 30 days: Digestive Parasites are up 70,000% in Eastern Ukraine.
Reality: You weren’t ever getting those hostages back. They’re much more useful as symbols in the US than as people in Israel.
I post this every time this image comes up: This is the sexiest bit. Cronenberg has done sexier work than the full set. There’s a weird monkey man, forced showers, some sort of psychological torture. It’s weird.
It’s the most disappointing set possible. Cronenberg has directed sexier work.
Anyone who has beliefs that violate the social contract should not be protected by it.
I wonder if he was swapped to set up a new patsy for the failing war. No window treatment makes me wonder.
Not even holding up the right number of fingers smdh
This is actually a sign of rampant corruption. Bribery is a tight market, and with a lot of politicians willing to accept bribes the cost drops significantly. It’s one of the few areas where capitalism behaves as believed.
Pick a position and stick with it for more than a single comment:
It is not protest for the sake of protest, but mostly “convenience”.
It is a protest using existing social expectations of dress code, it’s not just about comfort.
“Protest for the sake of protest” is nonsense. By definition they’re doing it for the sake of something. That something is not convenience, it’s the 996 work culture like the subject of the article.
You have completely flipped the context of the quote. It’s not just comfort for comforts sake, it’s also a way of protesting the 996 work culture of China.
The article is definitely stating that this is a protest, your quote is about a fringe benefit.
Social media users have joked that if you wear your favorite outfit to work, it’ll be contaminated by the “Ban Wei” as the office vibe creeps into your personal life.
The remaining option: wear your gross clothes to the office.
Candise Lin who creates content on TikTok exploring cultural trends in China, broke down this viral trend in a recent video.
She used an example of one blogger who said that they only wears clothes with holes in them to work to reflect their “crappy job and shabby pay.”
Clearly stated like 2 paragraphs after your quote.
At least read the article before commenting. They’re dressing this way on purpose against the wishes of their employers.
Israel is going to build camps to concentrate their prisoners.
Ok where can I buy this obvious joke? I want to make cis men nervous.