Start your own company :-)
Start your own company :-)
Good that we have a steady supplie of shitty people then :-)
Because their putin-ass-kissin traitors. And the left fucked everything so bad that the right could rise to power…
Could we produce porn for the north korean with propaganda so they switch sides ?
Why the fuck should he get a second chans on life when his victime never will ? If it where my son who where dead I wouldn’t settle for anything else.
UN is a dipshit
Yeah, but I don’t care much for stardew valley nor peoples setup. Its like “- Internet! Random person went to the bathroom - Look how he used to fold the paper before wiping !?!?!?”
TLDR: Random person gets a desk. Yesh intenet, really ?
First good news after a long morning scroll :-)
Fuck you Orange Clown !