VPN with multi-hop proxy, my bratha/sista.
VPN with multi-hop proxy, my bratha/sista.
The world is largely full of masochists ruled by sadists.
Never underestimate people’s desire for servility in the name of stability.
The vast majority of people have an exceedingly high tolerance for their own subjugation if it means they don’t have to think or act to avoid pain or responsibility.
Okay, I admit that I basically said the same thing 3 times with different wording. Personally, I just hope that I’m not as docile as I fear that I am.
Ah yes, “insert'Muh'MemeLanguageHere
” argument/excuse that we all heard a bajillion times
Almost like they’re, I dunno, Manufacturing Consent.
Hypocrisy is rampant among those who are rarely/never held accountable. My assumption is either that he’s incapable of comprehending it, or he doesn’t care about it.
Elon Musk is an authoritarian masquerading as someone who values free thought, inquiry, and action. What he means when he says “freedom” is for the ultra-wealthy to have “freedom” from accountability to an “authoritarian” government or the “whims of the unwashed masses” and do as they please with impunity.
The British Government is an authoritarian police state which punishes thought-crimes against their contemporary monarchist/corporatist zeitgeist with impunity.
Both things can be true, and I argue they are.