Fair, that’s defs breakage that would trip up a novice computer user.
I’ve been around enough to know that everyone ignores “have backups”. Although I think pacman can do rollbacks because it keeps a cache by default? I’ve never had to and I use snapshots so /shrug.
Still a novice computer user would probably not feel comfortable reading manual pages, and even an expert would be annoyed if this happened.
I tried to run linux on a mac once (work supplied) and it was very annoying compared to a think pad. I can’t remember specifically why, maybe the touchpad had low level drag scrolling I couldn’t overrule or something like that. How do you find it?
Yeah black screen with mouse cursor is the thing. If I check the logs it’ll complain about errors trying to get display foo. Can switch to a TTY session and kill shit and get display back if I restart X.
nfi why the mouse cursor still works.