Close enough. Especially if you add Norway, Switzerland and the UK.
Close enough. Especially if you add Norway, Switzerland and the UK.
Population means very little when we have to fight tanks, boats, planes and missiles.
Those things cant automatically teleport to european soil. Aircraft carriers can only do so much and they also cant teleport. Numbers are still relevant, especially when backed by existing european military. Morale is also relevant.
Europe is a giant place, with shitload of people, that have a strong desire to defend against invaders. Look what happened to Vietnam or Ukraine. As long as you have a large enough group of people, with decent equipment and morale, you can do great things.
The EU has 500+ million population. Do you you think that the few thousands of american troops in Europe can fight against that? Even if the EU had no military, it would be an impossible fight. And the EU has a lot of military, vastly outnumbering american military stationed in Europe.
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Actually there are greek numerals, which are basically the greek letters(with some weird additions)
So you can go up to any number you want.
Not exactly. Deflation basically slows down the economy. If you think your money will worth more tomorrow, then you are less likely to invest/spend them.
But the whole purpose of money is to be used. Money is a tool, the oil that facilitates trade and keeps the economy going. And while too much money(oil) can overheat the economy(inflation), too little money can straight up bring the economy to a halt(deflation).
Deflation, even in small amounts, is more dangerous, thats why ideally you prefer having a small amount of inflation.
I dont understand what you are trying to say. Too big to fail is used to describe something that is failing but cant be allowed to fail because it is too big.
As i wrote, the F-35 is far from failing, it is one of the most successful airplanes ever made, at least in terms of sales. Many european countries, which were big proponents of the Eurofighter and kinda ignored the F-15/F-16/F-18 platforms, are buying the F-35 simply because it is not only better than the Eurofighter/Rafale/Gripen, but it is also cheaper.
If the F-35 was bad or even medicore, those countries wouldnt be so willing to buy it, in mass quantities, with deliveries all the way into the 2030. Many of these countries also intend of creating a similarly featured plane but they wont be able to make one for another 10-15 years. So in the meantime, they are dependent on the F-35. They could use their older planes but they obviously see something in the F-35 that makes it a must have in the meantime.
Yes, the F-35 is so bad that literally every single allied country is ordering and is willing to wait for like 5+ years just to receive it. It is the best selling aircraft out there, with insane capabilities for its price. America cant produce these things fast enough.
More than 20 allied countries have bought/ordered it and in significant numbers. It is going to be the future backbone of the airforce of most of those countries. Just because it had issues, doesnt mean that it isnt good or that many of its serious issues havent been resolved.
Also the F-35 has built-in networking and infrastructure to work as a mothership for “drones” or other remote controlled/ai platforms.
I dont know anything about faucets other than using them. But not all faucets are the same. The mechanism, the design tolerances, the materials, the granularity, smoothness and its longevity can vary by a lot.
Grohe used to be amazing, i am not so sure how things are nowadays. I’ve heard enshitification has hit them. If you own a house, a faucet is something that you will use for decades, even centuries(your descendants). Something that you will interact with many times a day. It is worth spending a bit more money to get something good.
Either is fine but i strongly recommend going for amd, especially an x3d one, like 7800x3d(if you care about gaming).
I mean anything is possible if one side is basically ignored. The UN Plan offered was just terrible.
The only reason it even got to where it got was because Turkey wanted to join the EU and Greece wanted to normalize relations with Turkey. But ultimately, Cyprus(greekcypriot state) is an independent and democratic state, so it decided against it(and Greece follows whatever Cyprus decides).
If Turkey was a normal country, you could say that all the disadvantages of the plan wouldnt be relevant in the long term. But Turkey is a mini-Russia and as Russia has shown us, appeasing nations with imperial ambitions doesnt work in the long run.
Imagine any european leader saying to their neighbours “We could come one night”. Or “our neighbours are scared because our missiles can reach their capital”. Both statements were said by Erdogan. Only in the last year, he has chilled, mostly because of the invasion in Ukraine. For once, the West did something good, instead of writing “stern letters” so Erdogan is afraid that the West might actually military support Greece in case of a turkish invasion.
Also because Greece is getting f-35 jets and Turkey needs american engines for their homegrown ghetto “f-35” equivalent(so the US told him to shut up and be nice or else no engines for their “f-35” or upgraded f-16).
There was also a version of Zeus dedicated to “hospitality”(philoxenia, friend of foreigner).
Zeus Xenios (Ξένιος), Philoxenon, or Hospites: Zeus as the patron of hospitality (xenia) and guests, avenger of wrongs done to strangers
It is down for the over the Mediterranean Sea routes and up for the from Turkey into Greece routes. And through the Canary Islands.
How long the downward trend will hold remains to be seen, however. Smugglers are always quick to adapt and find new routes around border controls. In the Eastern Mediterranean, the second-most-used route, smuggling networks are now using speedboats in increasingly aggressive ways to avoid controls and targeting islands farther away from the Turkish coast in the central Aegean, according to Greek authorities.
The number of migrants arriving in Greece by sea and overland during the first eight months of the year rose by 57%, U.N. data shows.
Doesnt this imply that, for Putin, Crimea and Donbas are not part of Russia? Those have been repeatedly hit by long range western missiles.
Maybe someone should inform the Russians living in those areas that their leader thinks less of them than other Russians.
You might be right, though the ears arent floppy.
It kinda looks like a basenji, with relaxed tail. Their tails are usually curled, but when they relax, it can uncurl.
Maybe it is a basenji mix, hence the uncurled tail and kinda off whitebrown colour.
Be aware that basenjis are not normal dogs, they are more like cats. And also there are a billion stray dogs that need companions, no need to breed extra.
They are deliberately bad and obvious because they want stupid people. If those messages were more realistic, they would have had a lot more “hits” that would just waste their time because ultimately, they wouldnt be able to scam them as easily.
Because Kursk wasnt an active combat zone and it is part of Russia, most of the military there was conscripts, ie random kids from all over Russia but mostly cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Do you think european nations dont have any tanks?