end of story
end of story
It’s what Putin commands of his asset Trump.
He’s always been a Russian asset, FFS!
Trump, freeing the criminals.
Will. You meant “will”.
You know, personally i think Rob Ford (and his shit brother!) is a piece of shit and shady as fuck.
Today, i am proud as Hell, of our 100% dyed in the wool, CANADIAN piece of shit!
oh, …and fuck musk! <spits> Edit: I meant the reverse. Yes. Rob dead. Doug driving now. Brain fart.
Let’s talk about that summertime electricity from the north. Can Canada turn that off?
In think that’s actually the plan.
Reminds me of comments made when Colin Powell resigned (ie “…bunch of fucking Crazies!”) [referring to the republican administration atvthe time].
Bose of course, …but bring lube($$)
Yup. Harper is pretty much pulling PeePee’s strings.
You would think.
The real value is, …around 7-8 degrees C
Everyone in climate research knows it.
Come to Canada, why? We’ll be there 51st state by our own next election.
New Orleans, Superdome, Katrina. - What went on in there, really. And within a mere day or two; truly, we are just animals wearing clothes.
Being a part of my own Government’s effort to deploy it’s “flagship climate program” worth a billion+ $. Realising, it’s just tax money that’s getting fed upon by industry, with very little actual effect. Also, seeing the climate data and its undeniability in regards to imminent collapse (5-7 y) combined with our utter lack of action.
A few others as well, but two come to mind quickly.
I am soured on humans. I have no faith in our species anymore.
Russia loves its useful idiots! Trump, Jong Un,
IME in climatology, if we’re saying 2030? …It’s sooner.
I’m reminded of Inglorious Basterds, and the carving hobby of Brad Pitt.
However, I’d luuuuv to go all Bear Jew on a ‘bag of Cheetos’.