That was never stated as official policy. Nor the actions aligned with it. You confuse Israel with Hamas, who both stated and acted upon it.
That was never stated as official policy. Nor the actions aligned with it. You confuse Israel with Hamas, who both stated and acted upon it.
That’s what, I think, Russian targets mean in this context.
That’s false. Only half are women and children wiki. Your 10:1 ratio is taken out of your behind, but even that ratio is typical urban warfare ratio. Just Google.
Yes, and with 14,000 militant killed, the civilian number is 35K - 14K = 21K. Civilian to militant casualties is 21:14, or smaller than 2:1. That’s all.
For total number of casualties I take Hamas number. For militant casualties, Hamas does not give any number, so, I have to use Israeli number as the most reliable. By the way, Israeli number for civilian casualties is also not so far from Hamas.
Honestly, shit happens during the war. Yes, the mistakes should be investigated, guilty punished etc., but it is a big picture which is important, not a few incidents that are easy to use for propaganda and internet points.
In my mind there are 3 questions that needs to be answered
For the first question, I do not know how anyone with straight face can say that the war is not justified when a neighbor attacks you and purposely and barbarously kills 1300 people and takes about 200 hostages.
For the second quested, it is urban warfare, and if anyone cares to check, the ratio of 10 to 1 (civilian to military) is quite typical. In this war, Israel achieves ratio of better than 2 to 1, which says to me that IDF is really careful not to kill civilians unnecessarily.
It is the question (3) where I have problem with right now. Mostly because it is right wing government in Israel and there is no clear out of war path suggested after Hamas is destroyed. But here we can wait and see. Israel is a democracy and I hope her people will make right decision.
And the translation is available for free (scroll down for links) https://ymarkov.livejournal.com/280578.html?
I never understand this logic. The war is still defensive regardless where the targets are.
Move where? If not Biden, then Trump this election.
If I recall correctly, War and Peace starts from peace, and only later the war with Napoleon starts.
One does not contradict another, so, why not both?
Don’t judge other people by yourself.