Ethiopians are not Arabs. Arabic Jews experience much less racism in Israel then Ethiopian ones.
Ethiopians are not Arabs. Arabic Jews experience much less racism in Israel then Ethiopian ones.
Döpfner being afraid Russian trolls replace his media empire as the force pushing the far right.
The EU does not import oil from Russia anymore. Gas is another matter though. However it looks like a trade war with the US is coming and having the option to reduce US oil would be very usefull.
Oh I am not saying that Tesla is not making good cars, but that cars are inferior to trains. Those companies mostly had full self driving before Tesla was founded. They also all build high speed rail, which means they are faster then Tesla. Trains also use less energy then cars. The onboard entertainment mainly is bring your own device and use the WiFi, but options for restaurants are decently common.
Those are all train manufacturers.
The EU has so many much better EV makers it is crazy. Siemens, Altsom, CAF or Talgo are superior in every way.
For a few months.
Hopefully the EU takes over. It has a lot more economic strength then NATO. Also the UK is strong as well, but that can be managed. Turkey does its own things anyway and I would not trust them. Norway and Iceland are not that important. Canada is going to go with the US anyway. The advantage is easier common funding for projects, due to the EU having more direct access to money. There are also a lot of the basics in the works already.
They believe that Russia is inherintly Christian and especially Moscow as the third Rome. So as the battle of armagedon happens, they want to arm Russia, as to defend the holy city of Moscow against satan and his demons. For that they need a lot of weapons and especially nukes, as demons are obviously powerfull. Clearly they are also needed to fight the satanic West, approaching the holy city of Moscow via Ukraine.
And they are serious.
MMT would claim rather simply that the debt can be paid back by printing more money. More money in the system means more people are employed. If you have full employment, more money leads to inflation and to fight inflation governments need to raise taxes, to take money out of the system. Obviously taxes can not be raised to infinity.
So no MMT does not claim the US can just borrow money without long term costs.
Not necessarily. As long as the debt is invested well, it is absolutly fine. If the debt is used to increase the size of the economy, that means more taxes and hence the debt can pay itself. The other scenario is the government investing into something, which increases in value. Keep in mind that the governments rates are lower the private rates, so if a government builds a lot of housing for its citizens, that increases debt, but is still cheaper then everybody building their own housing themself. Similar effects can be had by buying companies.
Debt is a tool, it can be used for both good and bad. It really depends on how good the government is.
He was sentenced according to GDR law, which allows ten years to life.
However many of the rich countries are in debt in currency they control. The US, China and the EU mostly borrow in dollar, RMB and Euro. So if they have a massive debt crisis they just print a lot of money and can pay back the debt. That comes with inflation, but that is not that bad.
The poorest countries in the world mainly borrow in USD, which they can not just print. They have to net export to get USD to pay back debt. Add to that other massive problems. Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Ethiopia all have ongoing civil wars, Chad is landlocked and the country it would trade through is currently in a civil war. North Korea is sanctioned to hell and back. That makes paying back any debt much harder.
You can however Switch to some open source software without having to go full Linux. Introducing Libre Office, Firefox, Thunderbird and so forth can be done in Windows. Software Not working one Linux is often a big problem for switching.
Israel did control a part of Lebanon for a bit.
I am not saying media is not bias, but that some media just spins the truth, whereas others do not have a problem with fslse reporting. After all tankies are called tsnkies, because they ignored that the Soviets used tanks to violently get rid of the Prague Spring. This happens on the left as well.
And yes that is why I like reading economics news websites like the economist. They report on subjects left leaning news tend to not care about, but which can be incredibly important. Also with rich people using their reporting as a bases for invedtments, makes it hugely important that they do not outright lie. Commentary on them is horrible though, unless they go somewhat agsinst the neoliberal norm, which is rarer, but usually some of the best stuff.
False neutrality is propaganda, but so is being so is being activly biased. So a good left news source has to be wiling to show the fscts, when they speak against the left.
Not at all. The judges appointed by the opposition party, protect the laws made by the opposition party, when they were in government. This way the government can not just ignore those laws. So most countries have very long term limits for judges to deal with that. Hence a single government can not just stack the courts. Term limits are used, so no single government just happens to be able to appoint a lot more judges then usual. However even with the term limit being death, a court like the US supreme court has judges appointed by five different presidents for example.
Because in Europe you are pretty much always on or near somebodies property.
Capitalism strives to make money. Competition means profit margins shrink. So yes capitalists are against competition.
That is one of the many reasons listening to companies is not good economic planning for countries.