The pain in his expression was the most relatable thing I’ve seen from a world leader possibly ever.
The pain in his expression was the most relatable thing I’ve seen from a world leader possibly ever.
I think what OP is trying to say is that people in their age range will end up being the last of those people, ie. the internet was one of their earliest memories and that happened to be right as it took off. A similar example from my age range, we will probably be the last to remember the WTC attacks as they happened. It’s one of the earliest memories I have. Not me specifically, unless I am graced with an incredibly long life, but someone around my age who is.
if they return
Well, easy solution for that I guess.
How many guys does it take? Some group must have attempted this at a fur con room party or something. 2 - 4 would be too few, 5 might be where it starts to be possible but very uncomfortable. I think about the 8 - 10 person range would be the sweet spot. We need our top switch scientists researching this at once!
Absolutely fucked. They already had 3 kids but they needed to kill 2 innocent people so they could have another? And their response is “I made a big mistake”? Bitch you killed 2 refugees and stole a child, that’s more than a mistake. Do they not have work collegues or friends who might have questioned a child appearing suddenly? I seriously don’t understand how two people manage to get to this point without realizing how absolutely psychotic they’ve become.
Grotuesquely enough one tabloid called the suspects father and started asking “why he did it”. He hadn’t even heard of the crime on the news yet.
Jesus christ, imagine finding out your son is the perpetuator of a horrific shooting and is dead from a tabloid reporter. I have way more sympathy for the families of the actual victims but it’s still awful for the father.
Glad to know my career and income is at risk because of some poor presidents feelings.
regular stuff
…just going to ignore the ‘horses’ folder?
You see, I have drawn you as the bad egg-layer and myself as the chad good egg-layer, therefore your argument is invalid.
Word of warning, DO NOT use regular Nair down there unless you are fine with potential chemical burns on your nuts for a week. It’s not fun, really really not fun. I’m not even sure I would use sensitive area Nair anymore, it just doesn’t seem designed for coarse pubic hair. I use a Philips Oneblade now with the body groom attachment, I’ve caught the skin once or twice but I’ve found it’s way better than any other electric razor I’ve tried in the past and does a good job. The gap inbetween the blade and stationary bit of the razor is smaller and harder to pinch your skin in.
What you can’t see in this is the guy from the Men in Black with a leaf blower.
I don’t think he actually said that though, the only quote I saw that included the word dumb was “It’s not in my habit to agree with The Wall Street Journal. Donald, they point out that even though you’re a very smart guy, this is a very dumb thing to do”.