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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • In december last year I had to put down my 15y/o dog, named Santino. He was a little stupid and couldn’t keep still, so I named him after the guy from The Godfather (a bit grim I know). I also have two cats, a three color grump called Hollie (named after Billie Holiday) and a tuxedo lovable fuzzball called Louie (named after Louie Armstrong).

    Edit: Oh, I almost forgot. I also had a kitten (who died of complications from being weaned off too early) called Curie.

  • I think this is specific to my own neck of the woods, but the words “pija” and “verga”. It can be used in a variety of different contexts and will mean anything between the bee’s knees to absolute shit.

    For example, “la mera pija/verga”, literally “the very dick”, means “the best”; while “la pija/verga” m, literally “the dick”, means “the absolute fucking worst/incapable/incompetent”. “Pijin” means rave, “pijeada/verguiada” means either a scuffle that ended with one side getting beaten very badly, or something that is very hard to do.

    An example of the last one: “Darle pija a Malenia, Blade of Miquella, es pijeado”, meaning “To beat Malenia, Blade of Miquella, is hard”.

    … Lots of phallic turns of phrase. But its usage probably isn’t so different to the versatility of the word “fuck” in the english language.

  • For the last three years I’ve let my hair grow out and donate it once its about 15in long. My hair is probably 2c if I let it air dry. It was annoying but I learnt to live with it by tying the sides of my hair back and tucking my crown’s hair underneath the tie. Some strands will sneak out eventually but it’s manageable.

    However, what I have not found a solution for is my moustache. I like to have my moustache grown out, Tsar Nicholas style, but eating anything is a chore. Sandwiches, burgers, and pizze mean I’m munching on my own stache and pulling some hair out, soups and stews mean I’ll be patting dry the contours of my mouth down to my chin. The only things I can eat comfortably are things I can skewer with a fork. Really puts on a damper on my hair game since I have to trim it a lot for it not to be a bother.

  • I’ve been gaming and streaming most of my life with sub-30mbps download and sub 15 upload speeds, didn’t have symmetrical 50+ until a year ago.

    As others have said, you have to plan ahead. If you need to download something large, let it be and go do something else while it does its thing. Streaming high quality on two screens or more is doable but you’ll buffer eventually.

    You can probably set up some rules on your router to prioritise whatever device you deem most important, however. Although, if its important enough to warrant a rule on your router, it would probably be better to just plug an ethernet cable in anyway.

  • Coke deal while at a has-been band concert. I was just minding my own biz while going for beer, lock eyes with two dudes, and then I notice one of em has a white brick in his hand, giving it to the other guy.

    Turned away and went for the beers. Nothing major happened.

    Other responses reminded me of two others: 1. I was walking from my college building to the gas station for smokes and a cup of coffee, and I noticed there was a lady dozing on the sidewalk. Bought my stuff and was walking back, when I see the lady squatting over where she was sleeping, laying a log.

    1. Walking through the nicest part of the downtown area, can’t remember why. It was sunny, humid, and very warm (30-35C). Underneath an overhang, I walked past a dude jacking off while sniffing glue.

  • T.L;D.R: I used to guilt trip myself into fitting in so I wouldn’t be left out, now I enjoy staying in my little corner, because I went to the shrink.

    So, keep in mind I’ve got ADHD, GAD, and SzPD; though I suspect that might’ve been a misdiagnosis due to the psychologist’s explanation of autism, and that instead I might have AuDHD. But I digress. I’ve found that with the years I’ve grown content with being alone, because I’ve come to understand that being alone isn’t necessarily being lonely.

    I had written a couple paragraphs, but I’ll make it short. I discovered I spent far too much time and effort trying to fit in with folks I didn’t even like because I didn’t want to feel left out, or worse, different. Cue the pandemic, where I didn’t need to mask anymore during lockdown, a year of therapy, and I’ve come to appreciate solitude as much as I do the precious few times I get to see my friends, since half live abroad. The thing I had a problem with was myself, not other people or the lack thereof.

    I get to spend hours homebrewing stuff for my friends and I’s table, painting stuff I’ll never be motivated enough to finish, going down rabbit holes while reading something new, and going from old country to post-hardcore punk. It’s the closest thing to heaven there is, imo.