No. Just no. Stop diminishing what people who have actually been raped have gone through.
No. Just no. Stop diminishing what people who have actually been raped have gone through.
Seeing all of Europe line up behind Z. I think things worked out far better than he hope for. Heck, just for driving a wedge between the US and Europe putin might shake Z’s hand. Talk about mission accomplished.
So word is that the more the US mistreats Z, the more the European people like him, and want to support him. So this was probably a great outcome fir them. The deal offered was very one sided. Had Z just not taken it, people would blame him. But now, everyone knows who to blame.
Yeah, I wonder if they could kick the US out.
I though trump was going to pull the US out of Nato?
I play things like satisfactory, tf2, portal, doom stuff. But I am too old to play anything where reaction time really matters all that much. Like tf2 I only play mann vs machine now. My monitors are just 144hz. Nothing too fancy. Though I do have 2. And I forgot about VR. I want to get one, but I have no idea if linux supports them or how much the graphics card matters these days.
Why would I want to make myself sadder. Lol. It’s kind of like deflatgate in American football. If you take top people in any profession, and put them in a competition with a serious reward, they will always try to “stretch” the rules in thier favor any way they can.
Living inside the same imaginary lines on a map doesn’t make them our people. The Russian government has more influence over such people than you or I.
The “leaders” of the human race have a long history of shaping "the people"s lives so that they suseptible to being convinced by poloticians. It’s like fighting against the addictive powers of social media. They hire the best to make it addictive. Many people just can’t mentally compete. That said, voter turnout was 64%, so only 32% ish voted for this. And a large part were probably dupped by the messaging.
I’m guessing boot to a USB and run some kind of repair utility?
Don’t be embarrassed for the actions of poloticians. We only have the illusion of choice in the US. You can be embarrassed for the human race if you like. Cause “leaders” like this exist in the first place.
Don’t be embarrassed for the actions of poloticians. We only have the illusion of choice in the US. You can be embarrassed for the human race if you like. Cause “leaders” like this exist in the first place.
Don’t be embarrassed for the actions of poloticians. We only have the illusion of choice in the US. You can be embarrassed for the human race if you like. Cause “leaders” like this exist in the first place.
So if they are on different disks, does that keep windows from eating the linux bootloader? Also, do you use something other than UEFI to manage which OS boots? Seems like a lot of people just use UEFI if things are on different disks.
As always, if your source for anything is “trump said”, you really don’t have a source. Just gotta ignore everything he says, it just feeds him.
All his billionaire crones are going to be pissed. Think of all the jobs that will create. How will they be able to abuse the average worker when thier aren’t enough of them to go around. It’s going to drive up wages. And the investment capital that goes to gaza isn’t going to the billionaires tech companies.
Sooner or later, one of them is going to off him.
Vote for progressive candidates (even if they are dem) in the midterms, and advocate that others do so. That’s the easy thing. Low chance of success, similar effort to claiming everyone else should care about things they don’t.
Next up, run for local office. But don’t campaign, just pay the application fee, put your name in, and send in a write up for the voter guide that says to support the real progressive candidates. Slightly more effort, but slightly more impact.
There are tons of small things you can do. Even donating $5 to a progressive candidate would be more effective than saying people should care.
I’m not defeatest. I just can’t stand focusing on impractical solutions instead of things that can make a difference.
Sounds great, but you might as well shout at the rain. It isn’t going to happen.
Pulling the rape trigger so easily diminishes what real rape survivors have been through. Is this a terrible crime. Yes. Is it that crime. No.