Must be desperate for love. 😂
Must be desperate for love. 😂
My birth certificate is proof enough that I’m a man. Now give me my strawberry Herbal Essences! 💪😡
eBay has them for cheap using the Buy it now option. ☺️
The day we understand ourstand what our cats say is the day they go back into the streets. Hopefully Google doesn’t add meow to Google Translate. 😢
I pushed my nipples down and it worked! It worked!!! 😲😲😲
I’m standing in front of my coffee shirtless pushing as hard as I can and it’s not working. 🤯
But why do we have nipples? If mine were functional I would save money on milk for my coffee. 😢
Someone should make a game that ticks all the"woke" boxes just to piss these guys off. Make pronouns one of the most important part of the game, and force people to be gay, or Bi. Then make it so men have to wear womens clothes and women have to wear mens clothes. Then you can sit back and watch them lose their shit while eating popcorn. 😏